Experts Visit


Prof Sharifah Wan Alwi

University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Topic: Introduction of Process Systems Engineering Centre
3-4 Sep, 2019
Prof zainuddin manan

Prof Zainuddin Manan

University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Topic: Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) – Environmental protection currect  projects
3-4 Sep, 2019

Prof Ferenc Friedler

Pázmány Péter Catholic Univesity, Budapest
Topic: The development of P-graph
24-25 Jun, 2019

Dr Yong Jun Yow

Pázmány Péter Catholic Univesity, Budapest
Topic: Tools and methods for HEN retrofit to improve sustainability and economic performance
23 Jun, 2019
Prof chew tin lee

Prof Chew Tin Lee

University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Topic: Closing the loops towards Zero waste: from Waste Management to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production
16-17 Jun, 2019
Dr peng yen liew

Dr Peng Yen Liew

University of Technology, Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Topic: Recent works on total site heat integration
4 – 6 Jun, 2019
Prof zdravko kravanja

Prof Zdravko Kravanja

University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Topic: Synthesis of sustainable process systems
25 Apr, 2019


Prof Patrick Linke

Texas A&M University at Qatar
18 Dec, 2018

Prof Botond Bertok

University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary
Topic: The last quarter-century of methods and software for algorithmic process synthesis
12 Oct, 2018
Prof lam hon long

Prof  DDr. Lam Hon Long

University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
Topic: Regional waste management for minimising footprints while maximising economic and social benefits
23 Aug, 2018
Prof olga arsenyeva

Prof Olga Arsenyeva

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
Topic: Heat transfer intensification for achieving lower emissions and sustainable development
22 Aug, 2018

Prof Bodo Linnhoff

Pioneer of Pinch Analysis

Simon Perry

The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Topic: Sustainable Process Integration in Manchester
11 – 13 Apr, 2018


Prof Michael Walmsley

The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Topic: Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis (CEPA) and Energy Return on Investment for Energy Sector Planning
4 – 5 Dec, 2017
Prof sauro pierucci

Prof Sauro Pierucci

Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Co-Editor in Chief of CET)
Topic: Detailed Kinetics of Pyrolysis and combustions, and joint publication on CET
27-29 Nov, 2017

Prof  DDr. Lam Hon Long

University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
Topic: Biomass supply chain and joint meeting, lecture and consultations on papers and publications
4 – 6 May, 2017

Prof Friedler Ferenc

Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Topics: P-graph and joint meeting, lecture and consultations on papers and publications
27 – 29 Apr, 2017
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