
Project: Sustainable Plastic Value Chain to Support a Circular Economy Transition

Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., You, F., Sher, F., Klemeš, J.J. Plastic Circular Economy Framework using Hybrid Machine Learning and Pinch Analysis. RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, 2022, no. 184, p. 106387-106387. ISSN: 0921-3449.

Chee, W.C., Ho, W.S., Mah, A.X.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V., Bong, C.P.C., Wong, K.Y., Hashim, H., Wan Alwi, S.R., Muis, Z. Maximising the valorisation of organic waste locally available via carbon-to-nitrogen ratio Supply Composite Curve shifting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, no. 362, p. 132389-132389. ISSN: 0959-6526.

Thakur, A.K., Kumar, R., Vipin, K.V.K., Kumar, A., Kumar G.G., Naresh, G.K. A critical review on thermodynamic and hydrodynamic modeling and simulation of liquid antisolvent crystallization of pharmaceutical compounds. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 2022, no. 362, p. 119663-119663. ISSN: 0167-7322.

Li, M., Wang, Y., Xue, H., Wu, L., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Gao, X., Li, Z., Zhang, X., Hasan, M., Alruqi, M., Bokhari, A., Han, N. Scientometric analysis and scientific trends on microplastics research. CHEMOSPHERE, 2022, no. 304, p. 135337-135337. ISSN: 0045-6535.

Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Tan, R.R., Aviso, K.B. Plastic Waste Circularity with Data-Driven Approach Considering Polymer Heterogeneity. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 1255-1260. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., Seferlis, P. Wang, X.C., Wang, B. Silver Jubilee of PRES Conferences: Contributions to Process Integration Towards Sustainability. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Tan, R.,R., Aviso, K.B., Jiang, P., Fan, Y.V., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J. Pinch-Based Synthesis of Plastics Recycling Networks. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 49-54. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Fan, Y.V., Cucek, L., Klemeš, J.J., Vujanovic, A., Varbanov, P.S. Life Cycle Assessment Approaches of Plastic Recycling with Multiple Cycles: Mini Review. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 85-90. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Cucek, L. Sustainability of a Plastic Recycling/Symbiosis Network via Energy Quality Pinch Analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 97-102. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Oraon, A., Ram, M., Gupta, A.K., Dutta, S., Saxena V.K., Gaurav, G.K. An efficient waste garlic skins biochar nanocomposite: An advanced cleaner approach for secondary waste utilisation. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 2022, no. 364, p. 119997-119997. ISSN: 0167-7322.

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Project: RESHeat – Renewable Energy System for residential building heating and electricity production

Ocloń, P., Klemeš, J.J. RESHeat – Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating And Electricity Production Grant Agreement no. 956255, Horizon 2020. The 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, (SDEWES-PEE 2021) Croatia: 2021.

Ocloń, P., Cisek, P., Taler, J., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Vallati, A., Czamara, M., Kozak-Jagiela, E. Modeling of renewable energy system for residential building heating and electricity production (RESHeat). 24th Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES´21) , Brno, Czech Republic: 2021.

Zhang, M., Yan, T., Wang, W., Jia, X.X., Wang, J., Klemeš, J.J. Energy-saving design and control strategy towards modern sustainable greenhouse: A review. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2022, no. 164, p. 112602-112602. ISSN: 1364-0321.

Zhang, S., Ocłoń, P., Klemeš, J.J., Michorczyk, P., Pielichowska, K., Pielichowski, K. Renewable energy systems for building heating, cooling and electricity production with thermal energy storage. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2022, no. 165, p. 112560-112560. ISSN: 1364-0321.

Yap, K.Y., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J. Future outlook on 6G technology for renewable energy sources (RES). RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2022, no. 167, p. 112722-112722. ISSN: 1364-0321.

Wang, B., Arsenyeva, O., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S. A Novel Temperature vs Pressure drop Grid Diagram for Energy Saving in Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, no. 94, p. 121-126. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Selikhov, Y., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P., Arsenyeva, O. The study of flat plate solar collector with absorbing elements from a polymer material. Energy, 2022, no. 256, p. 124677-124677. ISSN: 0360-5442.

Zhang, Y., Ahmad, M.S., Shen, B., Yuan, P., Shah, I.A., Zhu, Q., Ibrahim, M., Bokhari, A., Klemeš, J.J., Elkamel, A. Co-pyrolysis of lychee and plastic waste as a source of bioenergy through kinetic study and thermodynamic analysis. Energy, 2022, no. 256, p. 124678-124678. ISSN: 0360-5442.

Jamaluddin, K., Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., Zailan, R. Optimal nuclear trigeneration system considering life cycle costing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, no. 370, p. 133399-133399. ISSN: 0959-6526.

Zou, X., Qiu, R., Zhang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, B., Liao, Q., Liang, Y., Zhang, H. Roadmap to urban energy internet: Techno-enviro-economic analysis of renewable electricity and natural gas integrated energy system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, no. 373, ISSN: 0959-6526.

Wang, C., Zheng, J., Liang, Y., Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Zhu, Z., Liao, Q. Deeppipe: An intelligent monitoring framework for operating condition of multi-product pipelines. Energy, 2022, no. 261, ISSN: 0360-5442.

Wang, B., Zhang, S., Guo, L., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S. Graphical approaches for cleaner production and sustainability in process systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, no. 366, p. 132790-132790. ISSN: 0959-6526.

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Publications of the SPIL project (03/2017 – 04/2022) 

  1. Li, J.M., Li, A.H., Varbanov, P.S., Liu, Z.Y., 2017. Distance potential concept and its applications to the design of regional biomass supply chains and solving vehicle routing problems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 426-436. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  2. Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. What contributes to high impact of published research? Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(4), 933–934. 2017. [IF=2.337] [CiteScore=4.8]
  3. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J. J., Lee, C. T., 2017. The update of anaerobic digestion and the environment impact assessments research. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 7-12. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  4. Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2017. Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis Considering Risk Assessment for Entire Network Lifetime. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 307-312. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  5. Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Atkins, M.J., Varbanov, P.S., 2017. Innovative Hybrid Heat Pump for Dryer Process Integration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 1039-1044. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  6. Smejkalová, V., Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Pavlas, M., 2017. Heuristic Methodology for Forecasting of Quantities in Waste Management. Mendel Journal series, 2017 (1), 185-192. 2017.
  7. Pospisil, J., Jicha, M., 2017. Influence of vehicle-induced turbulence on pollutant dispersion in street canyon and adjacent urban area. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 62(2-4), 89-101. 2017. [IF=0.506] [CiteScore=0.9]
  8. Pavlas, M., Šomplák, R., Smejkalová, V., Nevrlý, V., Zavíralová, L., Kůdela, J., Popela, P., 2017. Spatially distributed production data for supply chain models-Forecasting with hazardous waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, 1317-1328. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  9. Iranshahi, D., Salimi, P., Pourmand, Z., Saeidi, S., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Utilising a radial flow, spherical packed-bed reactor for auto thermal steam reforming of methane to achieve a high capacity of H2 production. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 120, 258-267. 2017. [IF=2.826] [CiteScore=5.5]
  10. Varbanov, P.S., Friedler, F., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Process Network Design and Optimisation Using P-graph: The Success, the Challenges and Potential Roadmap. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1549-1554. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  11. Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., Lam H.L., 2017. Twenty Years of PRES: Past, Present and Future – Process Integration towards Sustainability. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1-24. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  12. Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2017. Process Synthesis with Simultaneously Considered Inherent Safety. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1555-1560. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  13. Fan, Y.V., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Challenges for energy efficiency improvement anaerobic digestion, Chemical Engineering Transaction, 61, 205-210. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  14. Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Málek, M., Pavlas, M., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Network Flow Based Model Applied to Sources, Sinks and Optimal Transport of Combustible Waste. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 991-996. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  15. Ferdan, T., Pavlas, M., Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Klemeš, J.J., Pitschke, T., 2017. Allocation Analysis of Waste Treatment Nodes for Economic Optimisation Considering Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 967-972. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  16. Walmsley, M.R.W., Lal, N.S., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., 2017. A Modified Energy Transfer Diagram for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Bridge Analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61,907-912. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  17. Tarighaleslami, A.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., 2017. A Comparison of Utility Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis for Total Site Heat Integration Methods. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 775-780. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  18. Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, T.G., Philipp, M., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., 2017. Carbon Emissions Efficiency and Economics of Combined Heat and Power in New Zealand. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 733-738. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  19. Ong, B.H.Y., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R.W., 2017. Total Site Heat and Mass Integration and Optimisation using P-graph: A Biorefnery Case Study. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61,727-732. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  20. Hamsani, M.N., Liew, P.Y., Walmsley, T.G., 2017. A New Numerical Approach for Exergy Targets and Losses Determination in Sub-Ambient Processes. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1225-1330. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  21. Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Yan, Y., 2017. Water Pollution Impact Assessment of Beijing from 2011 to 2015: Implication for Degradation Reduction. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1525-1530. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  22. Walmsley, T.G., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Networks for Utilising the Organic and Dry Fractions of Municipal Waste: P-graph Approach. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1039-1044. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  23. Ren, X.Y., Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Liu Z.-Y, 2017. Calculation of Cogeneration Potential of Total Site Utility Systems with Commercial Simulator. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1231-1236. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  24. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Development of a Framework for the Implementation of Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1543-1548. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  25. Lee, M.Y., Ho, W.S., Hashim, H., Muis, Z.A., Liu, W.H., Rozali, N.E.M., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Application of Electric System Cascade Analysis for Various System Configuration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 943-948. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  26. Bong, C.P.C., Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Ho, W.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. The Kinetics for Mathematical Modelling on the Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Waste- A Review. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1669-1674. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  27. Lim, L.Y., Bong, C.P.C., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J., Sarmidi, M.R., Lim, J.S., 2017. Review on the Current Composting Practices and the Potential of Improvement using Two-Stage Composting. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1051-1056. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  28. Fadzil, A.F.A., Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J. Total Site Centralised Water Integration for Efficient Industrial Site Water Minimisation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1141-1146. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  29. Barkaoui, A.E., Zarhloule, Y., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Geothermal Power Potential Assessment in North Eastern Morocco. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1627-1632. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  30. Makarova, A., Meshalkin, V., Klemeš, J.J., Kudryavtseva, E., Bulatov, I., 2017. Ecological and Economic Model of Performance Evaluation of the Companies Involved in the Responsible Care® Program. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1477-1482. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  31. Rozali, N.E.M., Zaki, S.A.A.S.M., Ho, W.S., Liu, W.H., Wan, Alwi S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Study of the Effects of Peak/Off-Peak Load Shifting on Hybrid Power System Storage Using Power Pinch Analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1519-1524. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  32. Fedorchuk, Y.M., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Matvienko, V.V., 2017. Research Influence of Hazard on the Subsea Pipelines in the Caspian Sea. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1639-1644. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  33. Pospíšil, J., Spilacek, M., Bartu, M., Marton, D., 2017. Seasonal Benefits of Intraday Heat Accumulation in System with Air Source Heat Pump for Central Europe Climate Conditions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1663-1668. DOI: 10.3303/CET1761275. [Scopus Index, WoS] 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  34. Klimeš, L., Mauder, T., Charvát, P., Štětina, J., 2017. A Front Tracking Method Accelerated by Graphics Processing Units for Phase Change Modelling in Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage: A Comparison with Interface Capturing Methods. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1039-1044. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  35. Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Ong, B.H.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Varbanov, P.S., 2017. Total site heat integration of multi-effect evaporators with vapour recompression for older kraft mills. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 265–270. 2017. [CiteScore=1.3]
  36. Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Friedler, F., 2017. Challenges and Potentials of Modelling Tools Total Site Integration and Utility System Optimisation. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 40, 2545-2550. 2017.
  37. Klimeš, L., Charvát, P., Hejčík, J.; Solar energy driven airflow: solar chimneys vs. PV powered fans 2017.
  38. Pospíšil, J., Špiláček, M., Klemeš, J.J.; Utilising of LNG tanks as operative energy storage capacity 2017.
  39. Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Smejkalová V., Pavlas M., Kudela J. Verification of information in large databases by mathematical programming in waste management (2017) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 985 – 990. 2017.
  40. Nevrlý, V.; Šomplák, R.; Gregor, J.; Pavlas, M.; Klemeš, J. Impact on the Population from the Transportation of Waste based on Emission Models. In ISSN 1847-7186 (book of abstracts) ISSN 1847-7178 (digital proceedings). Proceedings of SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Zagreb, Croatia: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2017. p. 1-14. ISSN: 1847-7178. 2017.
  41. Li, A.H., Fan, X.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, Z.Y., 2017. Concentration potential concepts: Powerful tools for design of water-using networks with multiple contaminants. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 254-261. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  42. Rozali, N.E.M., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Ho, W.I., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., Mustapha, N.N., Rosli, M.H., 2017. A new framework for cost-effective design of Hybrid Power Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 806-815. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  43. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Development of a Roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation (Part II). Journal of Cleaner Production,166, 425-437. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  44. Manan, Z.A., Nawi, W.N.R.M., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Advances in Process Integration research for CO2 emission reduction – A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 1-13. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  45. Saeidi, S., Najari, S., Fazlollahi, F., Nikoo, M. K., Sefidkon, F., Klemeš, J.J., Baxter, L. L., 2017. Mechanisms and kinetics of CO2 hydrogenation to value-added products: A detailed review on current status and future trends. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, 1292-1311. 2017. [IF=9.184] [CiteScore=25.6]
  46. Goni, F.A., Chofreh, A.G., Mukhtar, M., Sahran, S., Shukor, S.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Strategic alignment between sustainability and information systems: A case analysis in Malaysian Public Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 263-270. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  47. Asif, S., Ahmad, M., Bokhari, A., Chuah, L.F., Klemeš, J.J., Akbar, M.M., Sultana, S., Yusup, S., 2017. Methyl ester synthesis of Pistacia khinjuk seed oil by ultrasonic-assisted cavitation system. Industrial Crops and Products, 108, 336-347. 2017. [IF=3.849] [CiteScore=6.9]
  48. Tarighaleslami, A.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R. and Neale, J.R., 2017. Total Site Heat Integration: Utility Selection and Optimisation Using Cost and Exergy Derivative Analysis. Energy, 141, 949-963. 2017. [IF=4.968] [CiteScore=9.9]
  49. Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R., Atkins, M.J., 2017. Energy Return on energy and carbon investment of wind energy farms: A case study of New Zealand. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 885-895. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  50. Ong, B.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R., 2017. Total site mass, heat and power integration using process integration and process graph. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 32-43. 2017. [IF=5.651] [CiteScore=10.9]
  51. Ren X.Y., Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Liu Z.Y., 2018. Targeting the cogeneration potential for Total Site utility systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 625-635. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  52. Ahmad Fadzil, A.F., Wan Alwi, S.R., Abdul Manan, Z., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Maximising Total Site Water Reuse via a Two-Way Centralised Water Header. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 2, 2563-2573. 2018. [IF=6.970] [CiteScore=9.7]
  53. Bong, C.P.C., Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J., Ho, C.S., Ho,W.S., 2018. The characterisation and treatment of food waste for improvement of biogas production during anaerobic digestion – A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1545-1558. DOI: . [IF = ]. 20/01/2018 2018. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  54. Stritih, U., Charvát, P., Koželj, R., Klimeš, L., Osterman, E., Ostrý, M., Butala, V., 2018. PCM thermal energy storage in solar heating of ventilation air – Experimental and numerical investigations. Sustainable Cities and Society, 37, 104-115. 2018. [IF=4.624] [CiteScore=7.5]
  55. Yong, J.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Friedler, F., Varbanov, P.S., Deák, C., 2018. The Chemical Industry in Hungary. Chemical Engineering Progress, 1(2), 44-48. 2018. [IF=0.364]
  56. Fan, Y.V, Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Nemet, A., 2017. Process efficiency optimisation and integration for cleaner production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174, 177-183. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  57. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. A roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning systems implementation (part III). Journal of Cleaner Production, 174, 1325-1337. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  58. Varbanov, P.S., Jia, X.X., Kukulka, D.J., Liu, X., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Emission minimisation by improving heat transfer, energy conversion, CO2 integration and effective training. Applied Thermal Engineering, 131, 531-539. 2018. [IF=4.026] [CiteScore=8.8]
  59. Lee, C.T., Lim, J. S., Fan, Y.V., Liu, X., Fujiwara, T., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Enabling low-carbon emissions for sustainable development in Asia and beyond. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176, 726-735. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  60. Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, X., 2018. Methods optimisation, Process Integration and modelling for energy saving and pollution reduction. Energy, 146, 1-3. DOI: . [IF = 4.968]. 01/03/2018 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  61. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., Ho, C.S., 2017. Efficiency of microbial inoculation for a cleaner composting technology. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20, 517–527. 2018. [IF=2.277] [CiteScore=4.8]
  62. Lee, C.T., Rozali, N.E.M., Klemeš, J.J., Towprayoon, S., 2018. Advancing low-carbon emissions in Asia: mitigation of greenhouse gases and enhancing economic feasibility for major sectors. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20(3), 441-442. 2018. [IF=2.277] [CiteScore=4.8]
  63. Lee, C.T., Rozali, N.E.M., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Towprayoon, S., 2018. Low-carbon emission development in Asia: energy sector, waste management and environmental management system. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20 (3) 443–449 1-7. 2018. [IF=2.277] [CiteScore=4.8]
  64. Shahhosseini, H.R., Iranshahi, D., Saeidi, S., Pourazadi, E., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Multi-Objective Optimisation of Steam Methane Reforming Considering Stoichiometric Ratio Indicator for Methanol Production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 180, 655-665. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  65. Klimeš, L., Charvát, P.; Hejčík, J., 2018. Comparison of the energy conversion efficiency of a solar chimney and a solar PV-powered fan for ventilation applications. Energies, 11(4), 912:1 (15 p.). 2018. [IF=2.707] [CiteScore=3.8]
  66. Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R., Philipp, M., Peesel, R.H., 2018. Process and utility systems integration and optimisation for ultra-low energy milk powder production. Energy, 146, 67-81. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  67. Philipp, M., Schumm, G., Peesel, R.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Schlosser, F., Hesselbach, J., 2018. Optimal energy supply structures for industrial food processing sites in different countries considering energy transitions. Energy, 146, 112-123. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  68. Leow, C.W., Fan, Y.V., Chua, L.S., Muhamad, I.I., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., 2018. A Review on Application of Microorganisms for Organic Waste Management. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 85-90. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  69. Chien Bong, C.P., Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Ho, W.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Review on the characteristic and feasibility of leachate for biogas production by anaerobic digestion. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 73-78. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  70. Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., Ren, X.Y., Liu, Z.Y., 2018. Extended Indicators for Total Site Targeting. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 211-216. [Scopus Index] 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  71. Walmsley, T.G., Jia, X.X., Philipp, M., Nemet, A., Liew P.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., 2018. Total Site Utility System Structural Design Using P-graph. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 31-36. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  72. Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Chien Bong, C.P., Lim, J.S, Sarmidi, M.R., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. A review on the impacts of compost on soil nitrogen dynamics. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 349-354. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  73. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., 2018. Pre- and Post-Treatment Assessment for the Anaerobic Digestion of Lignocellulosic Waste: P-graph. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 1-6. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  74. Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2018. GHG emissions reduction by improving efficiency of utilities’ transport and use and cross-sectorial energy integration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 19-24. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  75. Orosz, Á., Friedler, F., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Systems reliability, footprints and sustainability. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 121-126. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  76. Liu, W.H., Hashim, H., Lim, J.S., Ho, C.S., Klemeš, J.J., Zamhuri, M.I., Ho, W.S., 2018. Techno-economic assessment of different cooling systems for office buildings in tropical large city considering on-site biogas utilization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 774-787. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  77. Fan, W., Zhang, P., Xu, Z., Wei, H., Lu, N., Wang, X., Weng, B., Chen, Z., Wu, F., Dong, X., 2018. Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Circular Agriculture: A Case Study in Fuqing, China. Sustainability, 10(6), 1-19. 2018. [IF=2.592]
  78. Xu, Z., Wei, H., Fan, W., Wang, X., Huang, B., Lu, N., Ren, J., Dong, X., 2018. Energy modeling simulation of changes in ecosystem services before and after the implementation of a Grain-for-Green program on the Loess Plateau—A case study of the Zhifanggou valley in Ansai County, Shaanxi Province, China. Ecosystem Services, 31, 32-43. 2018. [IF=5.572] [CiteScore=10.8]
  79. Schumm, G., Philipp, M., Schlosser, F., Hesselbach, J., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., 2017. Hybrid heating system for increased energy efficiency and flexible control of low temperature heat. Energy Efficiency, 1-17. 2018. [IF=1.961]
  80. Smejkalová, V., Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Pavlas, M., 2018. Design and Decomposition of Waste Prognostic Model with Hierarchical Structures, Mendel Journal series, 2018 (1), 85-92. 2018.
  81. Hamsani, M.N., Walmsley, T.G., Liew, P.Y., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., 2018. Combined Pinch and exergy numerical analysis for low temperature heat exchanger network. Energy, 153, 100-112. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  82. Tarighaleslami, A.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R., Neale, J.R., 2018. Utility Exchanger Network synthesis for Total Site Heat Integration. Energy, 153, 1000-1015. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  83. Fan, Y.V., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J., Chua, L.S., Sarmidi, M.R., Leow, C.W., 2017. Evaluation of Effective Microorganisms on home scale organic waste composting. Journal of Environmental Management, 26, 41-48. 2018. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  84. Pospíšil, J., Špiláček, M., Kudela, L., 2018. Potential of Predictive Control for Improvement of Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of Air Source Heat Pump in Central European Climate Zone. Energy, 154, 415-423. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  85. Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2018. Numerical Representation for Heat Exchanger Networks Binding Topology and Thermodynamics. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 43, 1457-1462. 2018.
  86. Rozali, N. E. M., Manan Z.A., Wan Alwi, S.R., Klemeš, J.J., 2017. Supply Planning and Demand Management of Hybrid Power Systems Using Process Integration. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 66, 834-842. 2018.
  87. Fan, W., Dong, X., Wei, H., Weng, B., Liang, L., Xu, Z., Wang, X., Wu, F., Chen, Z., Jin, Y., Song, C., 2018. Is it true that the longer the extended industrial chain, the better the circular agriculture? A case study of circular agriculture industry company in Fuqing, Fujian. Journal of Cleaner Production, 189, 718-728. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  88. Lal, N.S., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R., Atkins, M.J., Neale, J.R., 2018. A novel Heat Exchanger Network Bridge Retrofit method using the Modified Energy Transfer Diagram. Energy, 155, 190-204. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  89. Liew, P.Y., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Ho, W.S., Manan, Z.A., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Multi-period energy targeting for Total Site and Locally Integrated Energy Sectors with cascade Pinch Analysis. Energy, 155, 370-380. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  90. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Evaluation of a framework for sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning systems implementation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 190, 778-786. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  91. Březina, M., Klimeš, L., Štětina, J.; Optimization of material properties of phase change materials for latent heat thermal energy storage 2018.
  92. Poláčik, J., Šnajdárek, L., Špiláček, M., Pospíšil, J., Sitek, T.; Particulate Matter Produced by Micro-Scale Biomass Combustion in an Oxygen-Lean Atmosphere; Energies 2018.
  93. Rosecký M., Šomplák R., Janošták F., Bednář J. Heuristic approach to multivariate inverse prediction problem using data reconciliation (2018) Mendel, 24 (1), 71 – 78. 2018.
  94. Nevrlý, V.; Šomplák, R.; Pavlas, M.; Klemeš, J. 2018. Waste Transportation and Facility Location Based on Cost and Impact of Emissions. Proceedings of 13th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environmental systems (SDEWES), 1-9.ISSN: 1847-7178. 2018.
  95. Pavlas, M., Nevrlý, V., Putna, O.; Šomplák, R., 2018. Cost of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Residual Municipal Waste Treatment. Proceedings of 13th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environmental systems (SDEWES), 1-9. ISSN: 1847-7178. 2018.
  96. Rozali, N.E.M., Ho, W.S., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., Yunus, M.N.S.M., Zaki, S.A.A.S.M., 2018. Peak-off-peak load shifting for optimal storage sizing in hybrid power systems using Power Pinch Analysis considering energy losses. Energy, 156, 299-310. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  97. Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J., Arsenyeva, O., Matsegora, O. and Vasilenko, O., 2018. Accounting for local features of fouling formation on PHE heat transfer surface. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2018. [IF=2.809]
  98. Walmsley, T.G., Philipp, M., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Total Site Utility Systems Structural Design Considering Electricity Price Fluctuations. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 44, 1160-1165. 2018.
  99. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Steps Towards the Implementation of Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 283-288. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  100. Sabki M.H., Lee, C.T., Bong, C.P.C., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. A Review on the Economic Feasibility of Composting for Organic Waste Management in Asian Countries. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 49-54. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  101. Tan, R.R., Aviso, K.B., Klemeš, J.J., Lam, H.L., Varbanov, P.S., Friedler, F., 2018. Towards Generalized Process Networks: Prospective New Research Frontiers for the P-graph Framewor. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 91-96. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  102. Kapustenko, P.O., Demirskiy, O.V., Tovazhnyanskyi, V.I., Klemeš, J.J., Matsegora, O.I., Arsenyev P.Y., Arsenyeva, O.P., 2018. Mathematical Modelling of the Thermal and Hydraulic Behaviour of Plate Heat Exchanger in the Fouling Conditions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 109-114. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  103. Walmsley, T.G., Lal N.S., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Relating Bridge Analysis for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Identification to Retrofit Design. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 295-300. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  104. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Perry S., Lee, C.T., 2018. An Emissions Analysis for Environmentally Sustainable Freight Transportation Modes: Distance and Capacity. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 505-510. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  105. Wang, X., Klemeš, J.J., Walmsley, T.G., Wang Y., Yu H., 2018. Recent Developments of Water Footprint Methodology. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 511-516. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  106. Jia, X.X, Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Wan Alwi, S. R., 2018. Energy-Emission-Waste Nexus of Food Deliveries in China. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 661-666. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  107. Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., Nemet A., Kravanja Z., 2018. Asset Management for Energy System Retrofit. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 775-780. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  108. Bong, C.P.C., Lim L.Y., Lee, C.T., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. The Role of Smart Waste Management in Smart Agriculture. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 937-942. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  109. Špiláček, M., Poláčik, J., Pospíšil, J., Šnajdárek, L., Sitek, T., 2018. Fine Particles Emission from Controlled Combustion of Beech Wood in Laboratory Conditions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1945-1950. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  110. Klimeš, L., Pospíšil, J., Štětinab, J., 2018. Semi-Empirical Computational Tool for Design of Air-Cooled Condensers. . Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 2035-2040. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  111. Jamaluddin, K., Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Pinch Analysis Methodology for Trigeneration with Energy Storage System Design. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1885-1890. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  112. Liu W.H., Ho W.S., Lee M.Y., Hashim H., Lim J.S., Hoo P.Y., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Optimising Thermal Power Plant with Generation Flexibility and Heat Rate Factor. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1981-1986. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  113. Yong J.Y., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Data Reconciliation Focusing on the Utility System of a Total Site. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1987-1992. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  114. Bukhkalo, S.I., Klemeš, J.J., Tovazhnyanskyy, L.L., Arsenyeva, O.P., Kapustenko, P.O., Perevertaylenko, O.Y., 2018. Eco-Friendly Synergetic Processes of Municipal Solid Waste Polymer Utilization. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 2047-2052. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  115. Selikhov, Y.A., Kotsarenko, V.A., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P.O., 2018. The Performance of Plastic Solar Collector as Part of Two Contours Solar Unit. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 2053-2058. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  116. Kapustenko, P.O., Demirskiy, O.V., Tovazhnyanskyy, L.L., Klemeš, J.J., Vasilenko, O.A., Kusakov, S.K., Arsenyeva, O.P., Khusanov, A.E., 2018. Mathematical Model of Plate Heat Exchanger for Utilisation of Waste Heat from Condensable Gaseous Streams. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 2059-2064. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  117. Kamyab, H., Friedler, F., Klemeš, J.J., Chelliapan, S., Rezania, S., 2018. Bioenergy Production and Nutrients Removal by Green Microalgae with Cultivation from Agro-Wastewater Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) – A Review. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 2197-2202. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  118. Sing, C.K.L., Lim, J.S., Walmsley, T.G., Liew P.Yen, Goto, M., 2018. Effect of Solar Utility Temperature to Costing and Design Parameters of Integrated Solar Thermal System. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 139-144. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  119. Peesel, R.H., Schlosser, F., Schaumburg, C., Meschede, H., Dunkelberg, H., Walmsley, T.G., 2018. Predictive Simulation-based Optimisation of Cooling System Including a Sprinkler Tank. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 349-354. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  120. Schlosser, F., Peesel, R.H., Meschede, H., Philipp, M., Walmsley, T.G., 2018. Evaluation of a Stratified Tank based Heat Recovery Loop via Dynamic Simulation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 403-408. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  121. Ong, B.H.Y., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., Varbanov, P.S., 2018. Optimising Energy Recovery in Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Radiata Pine and Kraft Mill Black Liquor. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1009-1014. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  122. Lal, N.S., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., Walmsley, T.G., 2018. Accounting for Stream Variability in Retrofit Problems using Monte Carlo Simulation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1015-1020. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  123. Lal, N.S., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., 2018. Solving Complex Retrofit Problems using Constraints and Bridge Analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1951-1956. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  124. Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Pavlas, M., Šmídová, Z., 2018. Multi-objective Waste Network Flow Identification Model Based on Economic and Environmental Aspects. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1627-1632. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  125. Hrabec, D., Šomplák, R., Nevrlý, V., Smejkalová, V., 2018. Sustainable Model Integration of Waste Production and Treatment Process Based on Assessment of GHG. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1603-1608. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  126. Turek, V., 2018. On Improving Computational Efficiency of Simplified Fluid Flow Models. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1447-1452. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  127. Nevrlý, V., Šomplák, R., Gregor, J., Pavlas, M., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Impact assessment of pollutants from waste-related operations as a feature of holistic logistic tool. Journal of environmental management, 220, 77-86. 2018. [IF=4.865] [CiteScore=7.6]
  128. Liu, C.Z., Li, A.H., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, Z.Y., 2018. Design of distributed wastewater treatment networks by combining total mixing influence potential indicator with heuristic rules. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193, 604-613. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  129. Sun, M., Wang, Y., Shi, L., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Uncovering energy use, carbon emissions and environmental burdens of pulp and paper industry: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92, 823-833. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2018.06.036. 2018. [IF=10.556] [CiteScore=25.6]
  130. Fan, Y.V., Perry, S., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., 2018. A review on air emissions assessment: transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 673-684. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  131. Zeinalnezhad, M., Sepehri, F., Haji Molana, M., Pourrostam, T., Gholamzadeh Chofreh, A., Klemeš, J.J., Goni, F.A., 2018. Identification of performance evaluation indicators for health, safety, environment, and ergonomics management systems. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 451-456. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  132. Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., Wang Y., Jia, X.X., 2018. Footprint reduction strategy for industrial site operation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 607-612. 2018. [CiteScore=1.3]
  133. Fan, X.Y., Li, A.H., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, Z.Y., 2018. Advances in designing and targeting of water systems involving regeneration/treatment units. Journal of Cleaner Production, 197(1), 1394-1407. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  134. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., Perry, S., 2018. Anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste: Energy and carbon emission footprint. Journal of Environmental Management, 223, 888-897. 2018. [IF=4.865] [CiteScore=7.6]
  135. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Sustainable enterprise resource planning systems implementation: A framework development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 1345-1354. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  136. Ong, B.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, M.R., 2018. Hydrothermal liquefaction of Radiata Pine with Kraft black liquor for integrated biofuel production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 199, 737-750. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  137. Walmsley, M.R.W., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., 2018. Linking Greenhouse Gas Emissions Footprint and Energy Return on Investment in Electricity Generation Planning. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  138. Fadzil, A.F.A., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Industrial site water minimisation via one-way centralised water reuse header. Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, 174-187. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  139. Walmsley, T.G., Varbanov, P.S., Su, R., Ong, B.H.Y., Lal, N.S., 2018. Frontiers in Process Development, Integration and Intensification for Circular Life Cycles and Reduced Emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018. [IF=6.395] [CiteScore=10.9]
  140. Klemeš, J., Varbanov, P.S., 2018.Heat Transfer Improvement, Energy Saving, Management and Pollution Reduction. Energy. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  141. Jamaluddin, K., Wan Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Hybrid Power Systems Design Considering Safety and Resilience. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 120, 256-267. 2018. [IF=4.384]
  142. Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.V., Walmsley, T.G., Jia, X.X., 2018. New directions in the implementation of Pinch Methodology (PM). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 98, 439-468. 2018. [IF=10.556] [CiteScore=25.6]
  143. Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Energy Ratio analysis and accounting for renewable and non-renewable electricity generation: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 98, 328-345. 2018. [IF=10.556] [CiteScore=25.6]
  144. Philipp, M., Schumm, G., Heck, P., Schlosser, F., Peesel, R.H., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., 2018. Increasing energy efficiency of milk product batch sterilisation. Energy, 164, 995-1010. 2018. [IF=5.537] [CiteScore=9.9]
  145. Alnarabiji, M.S., Yahya, N., Nadeem, S., Adil, M., Baig, M.K., Ghanem, O.B., Azizi, K., Ahmed, S., Maulianda, B., Klemeš, J.J., Elraies, K.A., 2018. Nanofluid enhanced oil recovery using induced ZnO nanocrystals by electromagnetic energy: Viscosity increment. Fuel, 233, 632-643. 2018. [IF=5.128] [CiteScore=9.1]
  146. Ferdan, T., Pavlas, M., Nevrlý, V., Šomplák, R., 2018. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Thermal Treatment of Non-Recyclable Municipal Waste. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 12(4), 815-831. 2018. [IF=2.809]
  147. Walmsley, T.G., Lal, N.S., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2018. Automated retrofit targeting of heat exchanger networks. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, pp.1-13. 2018. [IF=2.809]
  148. Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2018. Process synthesis with simultaneous consideration of inherent safety-inherent risk footprint. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 1-18. 2018. [IF=2.809]
  149. Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Perry, S.J., 2018. Spatial targeting evaluation of energy and environmental performance of waste-to-energy processing. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 1-14. [IF = 2.809]. 2018. [IF=2.809]
  150. Pospíšil, J., Charvát, P., Arsenyeva, O., Klimeš, L., Špiláček, M., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Energy demand of liquefaction and regasification of natural gas and the potential of LNG for operative thermal energy storage. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 99, 1-15. 2019. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  151. Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Fatt, C.L., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., 2019. Integrating sustainability reporting into enterprise risk management and its relationship with business performance: A conceptual framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 415-425. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  152. Šomplák, R., Pavlas, M., Nevrlý, V., Touš, M., Popela, P., 2019. Contribution to Global Warming Potential by waste producers: Identification by reverse logistic modelling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 1294-1303. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  153. Jia, X.X., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Wan Alwi, S.R., 2019. Analyzing the Energy Consumption, GHG Emission, and Cost of Seawater Desalination in China. Energies, 12(3), p.463. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  154. Wang, X., Klemeš, J.J., Fan, W., Dong, X., 2019. An Overview of Air-Pollution Terrain Nexus. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 31-36. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  155. Sabki, M.H., Lee, C.T., Bong, C.P.C., Zhang, Z., Li, C., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Sustainable Organic Waste Management Framework: A Case Study in Minhang District, Shanghai, China. 72, 7-12. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  156. Ahmad Sanadi, N.F., Lee, C.T., Sarmidi, M.R., Klemeš, J.J., Zhang, Z., 2019. Characterisation of Liquid Fertiliser from Different Types of Bio-Waste Compost and its Correlation with the Compost Nutrients. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 253-258. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  157. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Malik, M.N., Khan, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Evaluation of the Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Steps. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 445-450. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  158. Mohammad Rozali, N.E., Cheong, J.S., Wan Alwi, S.R., Ho, W.S., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Integration of Diesel Plant into Hybrid Power System Using Numerical Probabilistic Approach. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 277-282. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  159. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., Perry, S., 2019. GHG Emissions of Incineration and Anaerobic Digestion: Electricity Mix. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 145-150. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  160. Razak, N.H., Hashim, H., Yunus, N.A., Klemeš, J.J., Phoon, L.Y., 2019. Optimization of ternary green diesel blends for diesel/palm methyl ester/alcohol using product design optimization. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 391-396. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  161. Nemet, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2019. Potential of Cross-Sector Energy Integration for Gas Emission Mitigation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 72, 115-120. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  162. Hyman, B., Ozalp, N., Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., 2019. Modeling energy flows in industry: General methodology to develop process step models. Energy Conversion and Management, 181, 528-543. 2019. [IF=8.208] [CiteScore=13.6]
  163. Fabiano, B., Reverberi, A.P., Varbanov, P.S., 2019. Safety opportunities for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles and short-cut approach to workplace risk evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 297-308. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  164. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Perry, S., Lee, C.T., 2019. Anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic waste: Environmental impact and economic assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 231, 352-363. 2019. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  165. Hafizan, A.M., Klemeš, J.J., Wan Alwi, S.R., Abdul Manan, Z., Abd Hamid, M.K., 2019. Temperature Disturbance Management in a Heat Exchanger Network for Maximum Energy Recovery Considering Economic Analysis. Energies, 12(4), p.594. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  166. Čuček, L., Boldyryev, S., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., Krajačić, G., Varbanov, P.S., Duić, N., 2019. Approaches for Retrofitting Heat Exchanger Networks within Processes and Total Sites. Journal of Cleaner Production, 211, 884-894. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  167. Jia, X., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wan Alwi, S.R., 2019. Water Availability Footprint Addressing Water Quality. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems-JSDEWES, 7(1), 72-86. 2019.
  168. Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., 2019. Circular economy and engineering concepts for technology and policy development. Clean Techn Environ Policy (2019) 21: 479. 2019. [IF=2.429]
  169. Klimeš, L., Charvát, P., Ostrý, M.; Thermally activated wall panels with microencapsulated PCM: comparison of 1D and 3D models; Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2019.
  170. Hliník, J., Klimeš, L., Charvát, P., Ostrý, M.; A study into optimal design of an air-PCM thermal energy storage unit with CSM panels 2018.
  171. Klimeš, L, Charvát, P., Ostrý, M.; An optimization study into thermally activated wall system with latent heat thermal energy storage 2019.
  172. Klimeš, L., Mauder, T., Charvát, P., Štětina, J.; Front tracking in modelling of latent heat thermal energy storage: Assessment of accuracy and efficiency, benchmarking and GPU-based acceleration; Energy 2018.
  173. Charvát, P., Klimeš, L., Zálešák, M.; Utilization of an Air-PCM Heat Exchanger in Passive Cooling of Buildings: A Simulation Study on the Energy Saving Potential in Different European Climates; Energies 2019.
  174. Charvát, P., Klimeš, L., Pech, O., Hejčík, J.; Solar air collector with the solar absorber plate containing a PCM – Environmental chamber experiments and computer simulations; Renewable Energy 2019.
  175. Klimeš, L., Pospíšil, J., Štětina, J., Kracík, P.; Semi-empirical balance-based computational model of air-cooled condensers with the A-frame layout; Energy 2019.
  176. Chýlek, R., Kudela, L., Pospíšil, J., Šnajdárek, L.; Fine particle emission during fused deposition modelling and thermogravimetric analysis for various filaments; Journal of Cleaner Production 2019.
  177. Dardir, M., El Mankibi, M., Haghighat, F., Klimeš, L.; Development of PCM-to-air heat exchanger for integration in building envelope–modeling and validation; Solar Energy 2019.
  178. Klimeš, L., Kozubík, L., Charvát, P.; Computational design optimization of PCM-based attenuator of fluid temperature fluctuations 2019.
  179. Kůdela J., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Lipovský T., Smejkalová V., Dobrovský L. Multi-objective strategic waste transfer station planning (2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 1294 – 1304. 2019.
  180. Hrabec D., Kůdela J., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Popela P. Circular economy implementation in waste management network design problem: a case study (2020) Central European Journal of Operations Research, 28 (4), 1441 – 1458. 2020.
  181. Nevrlý, V., Šomplák, R., Putna, O., Pavlas, M., 2019. Location of mixed municipal waste treatment facilities: Cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, 118003.1 (118003.11 p.). 2019.
  182. Šomplák R., Kůdela J., Smejkalová V., Nevrlý V., Pavlas M., Hrabec D. Pricing and advertising strategies in conceptual waste management planning (2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, art. no. 118068. 2019.
  183. Pavlas M., Šomplák R., Smejkalová V., Stehlík P. Municipal Solid Waste Fractions and Their Source Separation: Forecasting for Large Geographical Area and Its Subregions (2020) Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (2), 725 – 742. 2020.
  184. Putna, O., Janošťák, F., Pavlas, M., 2019. Greenhouse Gas Credits from Integrated Waste-to-Energy Plant. Proceedings of SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 1-11. 2019.
  185. Schlosser, F., Peesel, R.H., Meschede, H., Philipp, M., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R.W., Atkins, M.J., 2019. Design of Robust Total Site Heat Recovery Loops via Monte Carlo Simulation. Energies 2019, 12, 930. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  186. Liu, W.H., Lee, M.Y., Hashim, H., Lim, J.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wan Alwi, S.R., Idris, A.M., Ho, W.S., 2019. Extended Electric System Cascade Analysis (ESCA) for optimal power system targeting considering generation flexibility and heat rate factor. Energy Procedia, 158, 4190-4197. 2019.
  187. Jamaluddin, K., Wan Alwi, S.R., Abdul Manan, Z., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. A Process Integration Method for Total Site Cooling, Heating and Power Optimisation with Trigeneration Systems. Energies,12(6), p.1030. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  188. Baleta, J., Mikulčić, H., Klemeš, J.J., Urbaniec, K., Duić, N., 2019. Integration of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems for a Sustainable Development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 215, 1424-1436. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  189. Nemet, A., Isafiade, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2018. Two-step MILP/MINLP approach for the synthesis of large-scale HENs. Chemical Engineering Science. 2019. [IF=3.871] [CiteScore=6.1]
  190. Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Dong, X., Fan, W., Xu, Z., Wang, Y., Varbanov, P.S., 2019. Air pollution terrain nexus: A review considering energy generation and consumption. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105, 71-85. 2019. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  191. Kapustenko, P.O., Klemeš, J.J., Matsegora, O.I., Arsenyev, P.Y., Arsenyeva, O.P., 2019. Accounting for local thermal and hydraulic parameters of water fouling development in Plate Heat Exchanger. Energy. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  192. Wei, H., Fan, W., Lu, N., Xu, Z., Liu, H., Chen, W., Ulgiati, S., Wang, X., Dong, X., 2019. Integrating Biophysical and Sociocultural Methods for Identifying the Relationships between Ecosystem Services and Land Use Change: Insights from an Oasis Area. Sustainability, 11(9), p.2598. 2019. [IF=2.576]
  193. Malik, M.N., Khan, H.H., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Alotaibi, Y., 2019. Investigating Students’ Sustainability Awareness and the Curriculum of Technology Education in Pakistan. Sustainability, 11(9), p.2651. 2019. [IF=2.576]
  194. Peesel, R.H., Schlosser, F., Meschede, H., Dunkelberg, H., Walmsley, T.G., 2019. Optimization of Cooling Utility System with Continuous Self-Learning Performance Models. Energies, 12(10), p.1926. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  195. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Hon Huin C., 2019, Extended Waste Management Pinch Analysis (e-wampa) Minimising Emission of Waste Management: Eu 28, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 283-288. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  196. Walmsley, T.G., Ong, B.H., Klemeš, J.J., Tan, R.R., Varbanov, P.S., 2019. Circular Integration of processes, industries, and economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,107, 507-515. 2019. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  197. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Zeinalnezhad, M., Navidar, S., Shayestehzadeh, H., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Value chain mapping of the water and sewage treatment to contribute to sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management,239, 38-47. 2019. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  198. Xu, Z., Wei, H., Fan, W., Wang, X., Zhang, P., Ren, J., Lu, N., Gao, Z., Dong, X., Kong, W., 2019. Relationships between ecosystem services and human well-being changes based on carbon flow—A case study of the Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, China. Ecosystem Services, 37, p.100934. 2019. [IF=6.330] [CiteScore=10.8]
  199. Varbanov, P.S., Yong, J.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z.,2019. A Comparison of Data Reconciliation Tools for Modelling Heat Recovery.Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 46, 1123-1128. 2019.
  200. Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V., 2019, June. Internet of Things for Green Cities Transformation: Benefits and Challenges. In 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)(pp. 1-6). IEEE. 2019.
  201. Zeinalnezhad, M., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Darvishvand, A.M. , Vashaghi, K., 2019, June. Forecasting Air Pollution by Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System. In 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)(pp. 1-3). IEEE. 2019.
  202. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, June. Emission Pinch Analysis for Regional Transportation Planning: Stagewise Approach. In 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)(pp. 1-6). IEEE. 2019.
  203. Schlosser, F., Seevers, J.P., Peesel, R.H., Walmsley, T.G., 2019. System efficient integration of standby control and heat pump storage systems in manufacturing processes. Energy, 181, 395-406. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  204. Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Bong, C.P.C., Lim, J.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Environmental and economic feasibility of an integrated community composting plant and organic farm in Malaysia. Journal of Environmental Management,244, 431-439. 2019. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  205. Lal, N.S., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R., Neale, J.R., 2019. Insightful Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Design using Monte Carlo Simulation. Energy, 181, 1129-1141, 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  206. Jamaluddin, K., Alwi, S.W., Hamzah, K., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, June. A new framework for optimisation of Pressurised Water Reactor design as a trigeneration system. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(Vol. 555, No. 1, p. 012005). IOP Publishing. 2019.
  207. Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Foley, A., 2019. Process Integration and Circular Economy for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems. 2019. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.5]
  208. Sitek T., Pospíšil J., Poláčik J., Špiláček M., Varbanov P., 2019. Fine combustion particles released during combustion of unit mass of beechwood. Renewable Energy, 140, 390-396. 2019. [IF=5.439] [CiteScore=11.2]
  209. Mardani, A., Fan, Y.V., Nilashi, M., Hooker, R.E., Ozkul, S., Streimikiene, D. and Loganathan, N., 2019. A two-stage methodology based on ensemble Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System to predict carbon dioxide emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 231, pp.446-461. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  210. Liu, W.H., Ho, W.S., Lee, M.Y., Hashim, H., Lim, J.S., Klemeš, J.J., Yee Mah, A.X., 2019. Development and optimization of an integrated energy network with centralized and decentralized energy systems using mathematical modelling approach. Energy, 183, 617-629. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  211. Rozali, N.E.M., Ho, W.S., Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., Cheong, J.S., 2019. Probability-Power Pinch Analysis Targeting Approach for Diesel/Biodiesel Plant Integration into Hybrid Power Systems. Energy, p.115913. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  212. Fan, Y.V., Lee, C.T., Lim, J.S., Klemeš, J.J., Le, P.T.K., 2019. Cross-disciplinary Approaches Towards Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Circular Economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 1482-1491. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  213. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Malik, M.N., Khan, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. The imperative and research directions of sustainable project management. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.117810. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  214. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Walmsley, T.G., Perry, S., 2019. Minimising energy consumption and environmental burden of freight transport using a novel graphical decision-making tool. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114, p.109335. 2019. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  215. Sadenova, M.A., Utegenova, M.E., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Synthesis of new materials based on metallurgical slags as a contribution to the circular economy. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, pp.1-13. 2019. [IF=2.429] [CiteScore=4.8]
  216. Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Ocłoń, P., Chin, H.H., 2019. Towards Efficient and Clean Process Integration: Utilisation of Renewable Resources and Energy-Saving Technologies. Energies, 12(21), p.4092. 2019. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  217. Arsenyev, P.Y., Tovazhnyansky, L., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O.P., Perevertaylenko, O.Y., Kapustenko, P.O., 2019, The Optimal Design of Welded Plate Heat Exchanger with Intensified Heat Transfer for Ammonia Synthesis Column, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 61–66. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  218. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Lam H.L., 2019, Application of Pinch Analysis to Opportunistic Maintenance Management, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 535–540. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  219. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Davoudi, M., Klemeš, J.J., Moosavi, S.M.S., 2019, Strategic Plan Method for Future Renewable Energy Technologies, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1159–1164. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  220. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Tan R.R., Varbanov, P.S., 2019, Graphical Break-Even Based Decision-Making Tool (BBDM) to Minimise GHG Footprint of Biomass Utilisation: Biochar by Pyrolysis, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 19–24. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  221. Gai, L., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, Process Integration Using a Joule Cycle Heat Pump, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 415–420. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  222. Hafizan, A.M., Wan Alwi, S.R., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., Hamid, M.K.A., 2019, Cost Optimisation of a Flexible Heat Exchanger Network with Fluctuation Probability using Break-Even Analysis, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 403–408. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  223. Jia, X., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Alwi S.R.W., 2019, Blue Water Footprint of the Czech Republic, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1063–1068. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  224. Klimes, L., Charvat, P., Bohunsky, T., Klemeš, J.J., Stetina, J., 2019, Possibilities for the Reduction of Water Consumption in Steel Industry and Continuous Steel Casting: An Overview, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 211–216. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  225. Lal, N.S., Atkins, M.J., Walmsley, T.G., Walmsley, M.R.W., Neale, J.R., 2019, Flexibility Analysis of Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Designs using Monte Carlo Simulation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 463–468. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  226. Lee, P.Y., Liew, P.Y., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, Cogeneration Optimisation for Locally Integrated Energy Systems, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 79–84. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  227. Matsegora, O.I., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O.P., Kapustenko, P.O., Kusakov, S.K., Zorenko, V.V., 2019, The Effect of Plate Corrugations Geometry on Performance of Plate Heat Exchangers Subjected to Fouling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 277–282. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  228. Sanadi, N.F.A., Fan, Y.V., Lee, C.T., Ibrahim, N., Li C., Gao, Y., Ong, P.Y., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, Nutrient in Leachate of Biowaste Compost and its Availability for Plants, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1369–1374. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  229. Sanghuang, J., Wan Alwi, S.R., Nawi, W.N.R.M., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, CO2 Total Site Planning with Centralised Multiple Headers, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 139–144. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  230. Schlosser, F., Arpagaus, C., Walmsley, T.G., 2019, Heat Pump Integration by Pinch Analysis for Industrial Applications: A Review, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 7–12. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  231. Utegenova, M.E., Sadenova, M.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2019, Synthesis of Block Ceramic Catalyst Carriers Based on Natural Raw Materials and Metallurgical Slags, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 151–156. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  232. Varbanov, P.S., Yong J.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Chin H.H., 2019, Data Extraction for Heat Integration and Total Site Analysis: A Review, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 67–72. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  233. Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Dong X., Sadenova M.A., Varbanov, P.S., Zhakupova G., 2019, Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Various Energy Sources, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1057–1062. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  234. Zhakupova, G., Sadenova, M.A., Varbanov, P.S., 2019, Possible Alternatives for Cost-Effective Neutralisation of Fluoroanhydrite Minimising Environmental Impact, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 1069–1074. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  235. Somplak, R., Smejkalova, V., Nevrly, V., Pluskal, J., Pavlas, M., 2019, Implementation of Circular Economy through the Mathematical Programming for the Complex System Evaluation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 523–528. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  236. Toman, F., Kracik P., Pospisil, J., Spilacek, M., 2019, Comparison of Different Concepts of Condensation Heat Exchangers with Vertically Oriented Pipes for Effective Heat and Water Regeneration, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 379–384. 2019. [CiteScore=1.3]
  237. Walmsley, T.G., Varbanov, P.S., Aviso, K., You, F., 2019. Energy integration and optimisation for sustainable Total Site, process and equipment design. Energy, 186 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  238. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Walmsley TG, Bertok, B, 2019, Implementing Circular Economy in municipal solid waste treatment system using P-graph, Science of the Total Environment, 134652. 2019. [IF=5.589] [CiteScore=8.6]
  239. Fan, Y.V., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Liu X., 2019. Optimisation and Process Design Tools for Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 119181 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  240. Malik, S., Fatima, F., Imran, A., Chuah, L.F., Klemeš, J.J., Khaliq, I.H., Asif, S., Aslam, M., Jamil, F., Durrani, A.K., Akbar, M.M., 2019. Improved project control for sustainable development of construction sector to reduce environment risks. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.118214. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  241. Fan, X.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X., Liu, Z.Y., 2019. An iterative method for design of total water networks with multiple contaminants. Journal of Cleaner Production, 240, p.118098. 2019. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  242. Ong, B.H.Y., Walmsley, T.G., Atkins, M.J., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, M.R.W., 2019. A heat- and mass-integrated design of Hydrothermal Liquefaction process co-located with a Kraft Pulp Mill. Energy 189, 116235. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  243. Pintarič, Z.N., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Kravanja, Z., 2019. Multi-objective multi-period synthesis of energy efficient processes under variable environmental taxes. Energy, 189, p.116182. 2019. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  244. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Malik, M.N., Khan, H.H., 2019. Development of guidelines for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.118655. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  245. Fan Y.V., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Biomass Supply and Inventory Management for Energy Conversion, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 78, 421-426 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  246. Tay, S.Y., Mohammad Rozali, N.E., Wan Alwi, S.R., Ho, W.S., Manan, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Design of grid-tied hybrid diesel-renewable energy systems using power pinch analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions 78, 25–30. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  247. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Short term maintenance tasks scheduling with pinch methodology. Chemical Engineering Transactions 78, 499–504. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  248. Ahmad Sanadi, N.F.B., Lee, C.T., Ibrahim, N., Klemeš, J.J., Li, C., Gao, Y., 2020. Effect of compost maker on composting and compost quality. Chemical Engineering Transactions 78, 181–186. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  249. Gai, L., Varbanov, P.S., Walmsley, T.G., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Critical Analysis of Process Integration Options for Joule-Cycle and Conventional Heat Pumps. Energies 2020, 13, 635. 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  250. Fan, W., Chen, N., Li, X., Wei, H., Wang, X., 2020. Empirical Research on the Process of Land Resource-Asset-Capitalization—A Case Study of Yanba, Jiangjin District, Chongqing. Sustainability, 12(3), p.1236. 2020. [IF=2.576] [CiteScore=2.37]
  251. Jiang, P., Fan, Y.V., Zhou, J., Zheng, M., Liu, X., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Data-driven analytical framework for waste dumping behaviour analysis to facilitate policy regulations, Waste Management, 103, 285-295. 2020. [IF=5.448] [CiteScore=9.6]
  252. Wang, X.C, Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Y., Dong, X., Wei, H., Xu, Z., Varbanov, P.S., 2020. Water-Energy-Carbon Emissions nexus analysis of China: An environmental input-output model-based approach. Applied Energy, 261, p.114431. 2020. [IF=8.848] [CiteScore=16.4]
  253. Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q.W., Varbanov, P.S., Zeng, M., Chin, H.H., Lal, N.S., Li, N.Q., Wang, B., Wang, X.C., Walmsley, T.G., 2020. Heat transfer enhancement, intensification and optimisation in heat exchanger network retrofit and operation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 120, p.109644. 2020. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  254. Mikulčić, H., Baleta, J., Klemeš, J.J., 2019. Sustainability through combined development of energy, water and environment systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.119727. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  255. Hoo P.Y, Bong, C.P.C, Fan Y.V., 2020. Operational Management Implemented in Biofuel Upstream Supply Chain and Downstream International Trading: Current Issues in Southeast Asia. Energies, 13(7), 1799. 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  256. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Ko, C.H., 2020. Bioenergy carbon emissions footprint considering the biogenic carbon and secondary effects. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020. [IF=3.741] [CiteScore=4.2]
  257. Fan, Y.V, Tan, R.R., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. A system analysis tool for sustainable biomass utilisation considering the Emissions-Cost Nexus. Energy Conversion and Management, 210, p.112701. 2020. [IF=8.208] [CiteScore=13.6]
  258. Jamaluddin, K., Wan Alwi, S.R., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. A Numerical Pinch Analysis Methodology for Optimal Sizing of a Centralized Trigeneration System with Variable Energy Demands. Energies, 2020, 13, 2038. doi:10.3390/en13082038 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  259. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Wang, Q.W., Zeng, M., 2020. Heat exchanger network retrofit by a shifted retrofit thermodynamic grid diagram-based model and a two-stage approach. Energy, p.117338. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  260. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Zeng, M., 2020. An Extended Grid Diagram for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Considering Heat Exchanger Types. Energies, 13(10), p.2656. 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  261. Gaurav GK, Mehmood T, Cheng L, Klemeš J J, Shrivastava DK, Water hyacinth as a biomass: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 122214 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  262. Lee, P.Y., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., Wan Alwi S.R. Klemeš J.J., Total site heat and power integration for locally integrated energy sectors, Energy, 2020, p.117565, doi:10.1016/ 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  263. Long, X., Yu, H., Sun, M., Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Xie, W., Wang, C., Li, W., Wang, Y., 2020. Sustainability evaluation based on the Three-dimensional Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index: A case study on the four island regions in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 265, p.110509. 2020. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  264. Zeinalnezhad, M., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Air pollution prediction using semi-experimental regression model and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.121218. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  265. Xu, Z., Fan, W., Dong, X., Wang, X.-C., Liu, Y., Xue, H., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Analysis of the functional orientation of agricultural systems from the perspective of resource circulation. Journal of Cleaner Production 258. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  266. Shakeel, J., Mardani, A., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Anatomy of sustainable business model innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.121201. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  267. Kapustenko, P.O., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O.P., Kusakov, S.K., Tovazhnyanskyy, L.L., 2020. The influence of plate corrugations geometry scale factor on performance of plate heat exchanger as condenser of vapour from its mixture with noncondensing gas. Energy. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  268. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Liang, Y., Yuan, M., Zhang, H. and Liu, J., 2020. Implementing hydrogen injection in coal-dominated regions: Supply chain optimisation and reliability analysis. Energy, p.117565. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  269. Klemeš, J.J., Fan Y.V., Tan, R.R., Jiang, P., 2020. Minimising the present and future plastic waste, energy and environmental footprints related to COVID-19. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 127, p.109883. 2020. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.6]
  270. Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Dong, X., Wang, Y., 2020. Measuring the Environmental Performance of the EU27 from the Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. Accepted 19.04.2020. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  271. Charvát, P., Klimeš, L., Pospíšil, J., Klemeš, J.J. and Varbanov, P.S., 2020. An overview of mercury emissions in the energy industry-A step to mercury footprint assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.122087. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  272. Klimeš, L., Charvát, P., Joybari, M.M., Zálešák, M., Haghighat, F., Panchabikesan, K., El Mankibi ,M.; Yuan, Y.; Computer modelling and experimental investigation of phase change hysteresis of PCMs: The state-of-the-art review; Applied Energy 2020.
  273. Toman, F., Kracík, P., Pospíšil, J., Špiláček, M.; Comparison of water vapour condensation in vertically oriented pipes of condensers with internal and external heat rejection; Energy 2020.
  274. Poláčik, J., Sitek, T., Pospíšil, J., Šnajdárek, L., Lisý, M.; Emission of fine particles from residential combustion of wood: Comparison of automatic boiler, manual log feed stove and thermo-gravimetric analysis; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021.
  275. Zeng, C., Cao, X., Haghighat, F., Yuan, Y., Klimeš, L., El Mankibi, M., Dardir, M.; Buried water-phase change material storage for load shifting: A parametric study; Energy and Buildings 2020.
  276. Pospíšil, J., Špiláček, M., Marton, D.; Flexible Low-Temperature Heat Storage for Heat Pump with Predictive control; CET 2020.
  277. Charvát, P., Klimeš, L., Pospíšil, J., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S.; Feasibility of replacement of nuclear power with other energy sources in the Czech Republic; Thermal Science 2020.
  278. Klimeš, L., Kesler, R., Charvát, P., Metaheuristic design optimization of the air-pcm thermal storage unit for solar air systems; CET 2020.
  279. Zálešák, M., Charvát, P., Klimeš, L.; Design Optimization of a Solar Air Collector Integrating a Phase Change Material; CET 2020.
  280. Pluskal J., Šomplák R., Smejkalová V., Nevrlý V., Turek V. Mixing approach to waste composition and its lower heating value impact on waste-to-energy plant (2020) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 751 – 756. 2020.
  281. Pavlas M., Dvořáček J., Pitschke T., Peche R. Biowaste treatment and waste-to-energy-environmental benefits (2020) Energies, 13 (8), art. no. 1994. 2020.
  282. Smejkalová V., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Burcin B., Kučera T. Trend forecasting for waste generation with structural break (2020) Journal of Cleaner Production, 266, art. no. 121814. 2020.
  283. Putna, O., Janošťák, F., Pavlas, M., 2020. Greenhouse Gas Credits from Integrated Waste-to-Energy Plant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 270, 1-9. 2020.
  284. Hrabec D., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Viktorin A., Pluháček M., Popela P. Sustainable waste-to-energy facility location: Influence of demand on energy sales (2020) Energy, 207, art. no. 118257. 2020.
  285. Václavková Š., Pluskal J., Šomplák R., Talpa J., Smejkalová V. Resolving discrepancies in reported flow amounts in sewage sludge management network datasets by mathematical programming (2020) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 745 – 750. 2020.
  286. Matušinec J., Hrabec D., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Pecha J., Smejkalová V., Redutskiy Y. Cooking oil and fat waste management: A review of the current state (2020) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 763 – 768. 2020.
  287. Eryganov I., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Smejkalová V., Hrabec D., Haugen K.K. Application of Cooperative Game Theory in Waste Management (2020) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 877 – 882. 2020.
  288. Kůdela J., Smejkalová V., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V. Legislation-induced planning of waste processing infrastructure: A case study of the Czech Republic (2020) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 132, art. no. 110058. 2020.
  289. Davoudi, M., Seyed Moosavi, S.M., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Shahrjerdi, R., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Analysis of technologies for sustainable development of renewable energy systems. .
  290. Goni, F.A., Chofreh, A.G., Orakani, Z.E., Klemeš, J.J., Davoudi, M., Mardani, A., 2020. Sustainable business model: A review and framework development. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, pp.1-9. 2020. [IF=2.429] [CiteScore=4.8]
  291. Kamyab, H., Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V and Lee, C.T., 2020. Transition to Sustainable Energy System for Smart Cities and Industries. Energy. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  292. Fan Y.V., Z.N. Pintarič, J.J. Klemeš., 2020. Emerging Tools for Energy System Design Increasing Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Energies, 13(16), 4062 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  293. Klemeš, J.J.*, Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., 2020. Plastics: Friends or Foes? The Circularity and Plastic Waste Footprint, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2020. [IF=1.184] [CiteScore=2.1]
  294. Fan YV, Jiang P, Hemzal M, Klemeš JJ*., 2020. An Update of COVID-19 Influence on Waste Management, Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142014 2020. [IF=6.551] [CiteScore=8.6]
  295. Klemeš JJ*, Fan YV, Jiang P., 2020. The Energy and Environmental Footprints of COVID-19 Fighting Measures – PPE, Disinfection, Supply Chains, Energy. DOI: 10.1016/ 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  296. Jiang P,* Fan YV, Klemeš JJ., 2021. Data analytics of social media publicity to enhance household waste management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling.164, 105146 2020. [IF=8.086] [CiteScore=10.7]
  297. Yang, L., Wang, Y., Wang, R.R., Klemeš, J.J., Almeida, C., Jin, M., Zheng, X., Qiao, Y., 2020. Environmental-Social-Economic Footprints of Consumption and Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region. Nature Communications. Accepted. 2020. [IF=12.080] [CiteScore=18.1]
  298. Ahmad Fadzil, A.F., Wan Alwi, S.R., Abdul Manan, Z., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Study on Impacts of Multiple Centralised Water Reuse Header from Consumer and Operator Perspectives. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 8(4), 754-765. 2020.
  299. Chin H.H., Varbanov P.S., Liew P.Y., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Pinch Approach for Targeting in Multi-Contaminant Material Recycle/Reuse Network, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 145-150. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  300. Gai L., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., Sun L., 2020, Hierarchical Targeting of Hydrogen Network System and Heat Integration in a Refinery, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 217-222. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  301. Jia X., Varbanov P.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemes J.J., 2020. Total Site Water Main Concentration Selection: A Case Study. Chemical Engineering Transactions 81, 259–264. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  302. Bong C.P., Lim L.Y., Lee C.T., Ong P.Y., Klemeš J.J., Li C., Gao Y., 2020, Lignocellulosic Biomass and Food Waste for Biochar Production and Application: A Review, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 427-432. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  303. Wang X.-C., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., 2020, Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus Analysis of the EU27 and China, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 469-474. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  304. Kapustenko P., Klemeš J.J., Arsenyeva O., Fedorenko O., Kusakov S., Bukhkalo S., 2020, The Utilisation of Waste Heat from Exhaust Gases after Drying Process in Plate Heat Exchanger, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 589-594. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  305. Wang B., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Zeng M., 2020, Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Considering Heat Exchanger Types, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 619-624. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  306. Nevrlý V., Fan Y.V., Šomplák R., Smejkalová V., Klemeš J.J., Lam H.L., 2020, Optimal Location for Conference Venue in Relation to Transport Emission Sustainability Strategy, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 697-702. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  307. Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 949-954. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  308. Arsenyeva O., Klemeš J.J., Kusakov S., Zorenko V., Kapustenko P., Tovazhnyanskyy L., 2020, The Identification of Local Parameters for Steam Condensation with the Presence of Air in Plate Heat Exchanger Based on Process Mathematical Model, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1033-1038. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  309. Varbanov P.S., Gai L., Fan Y.V., Klemeš J.J., Wan Alwi S.R., 2020, Regional Power Plan Assessment Accounting for Environmental Footprints, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1159-1164. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  310. Utegenova M.E., Sadenova M.A., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Physico-Mechanical Properties of Ceramics Based on Aluminosilicates Modified by Metallurgical Waste, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1339-1344. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  311. Chofreh A.G., Davoudi M., Goni F.A., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Analysis of Economic for Global Energy Strategic Management, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 1369-1374. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  312. Klimeš, L., Březina, M., Mauder, T., Charvát, P., Klemeš, J.J. and Štětina, J., 2020. Dry cooling as a way toward minimisation of water consumption in the steel industry: A case study for continuous steel casting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, p.123109. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  313. Sher, F., Yaqoob, A., Saeed, F., Zhang, S., Jahan, Z. and Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Torrefied biomass fuels as a renewable alternative to coal in co-firing for power generation. Energy, 209, p.118444. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  314. Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Mellon, N.B., Rafiq, S., Babar, M., Ullah, S., Muhammad, N., Khan, A.L., Ayoub, M., Ibrahim, M. and Maqsood, K., 2020. A Review on CO2 Capture via Nitrogen-Doped Porous Polymers and Catalytic Conversion as a Feedstock for Fuels. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.123999. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  315. Hafizan, A.M., Alwi, S.R.W., Abd Manan, Z., Klemeš, J.J. and Abd Hamid, M.K., 2020. Design of Optimal Heat Exchanger Network with Fluctuation Probability using Break-Even Analysis. Energy, p.118583. 2020. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  316. Jiang, P., Fu, X., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Chen, P., Ma, S. and Zhang, W., 2020. Spatial-temporal potential exposure risk analytics and urban sustainability impacts related to COVID-19 mitigation: A perspective from car mobility behaviour. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.123673. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  317. Jahannoosh, M., Nowdeh, S.A., Naderipour, A., Kamyab, H., Davoodkhani, I.F. and Klemeš, J.J., 2020. New Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Reliable and Cost-Effective Designing of Photovoltaic/Wind/Fuel Cell Energy System Considering Load Interruption Probability. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.123406. 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  318. Jamaluddin, K., Alwi, S.W., Manan, Z.A., Hamzah, K. and Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Development of Numerical Trigeneration System Cascade Analysis with Transmission and Storage Energy Losses Consideration. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 884, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing. .
  319. Khan, H.H., Malik, M.N., Zafar, R., Goni, F.A., Chofreh, A.G., Klemeš, J.J. and Alotaibi, Y., 2020. Challenges for sustainable smart city development: A conceptual framework. Sustainable Development. 2020. [IF=4.082] [CiteScore=4.9]
  320. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q. and Zeng, M., 2020. Development and characteristics analysis of salt-hydrate based composite sorbent for low-grade thermochemical energy storage. Renewable Energy. 2020. [IF=6.274] [CiteScore=11.2]
  321. Wang, B., Fan, Y.V, Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J. and Liang, Y., 2020. Emission-cost nexus optimisation and performance analysis of downstream oil supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.121831. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  322. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q. and Zeng, M., 2020. Performance analysis of consolidated sorbent based closed thermochemical energy storage reactor for environmental sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.121821. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  323. Zhang, L., Li, A.H., Jia, X.X., Klemeš, J.J. and Liu, Z.Y., 2020. Design of total water networks of multiple properties based on operator potential concepts and an iterative procedure. Energy & Environment, p.0958305X20919408. 2020. [IF=1.775] [CiteScore=2.4]
  324. Tovazhnyanskyy, L., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P., Arsenyeva, O., Perevertaylenko, O. and Arsenyev, P., 2020. Optimal Design of Welded Plate Heat Exchanger for Ammonia Synthesis Column: An Experimental Study with Mathematical Optimisation. Energies, 13(11), p.2847. 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  325. Fózer, D., Volanti, M., Passarini, F., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Mizsey, P., 2020. Bioenergy with carbon emissions capture and utilisation towards GHG neutrality: Power-to-Gas storage via hydrothermal gasification. Applied Energy, 280, p.115923. 2020. [IF=8.848] [CiteScore=16.4]
  326. Zeinalnezhad M., Chofreh A.G., Feybi A.G., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Critical Success Factors of the Reliability-Centred Maintenance Implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry, Symmetry 2020, 12, 1585 2020. [IF=2.645] [CiteScore=2.5]
  327. Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., 2020. COVID‐19 pandemic facilitating energy transition opportunities. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020. [IF=3.741] [CiteScore=4.2]
  328. Chin H.H., Wang B., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., Zeng M., Wang Q-W., 2020. Long-term investment and maintenance planning for heat exchanger network retrofit, Applied Energy, 279, 115713 2020. [IF=8.848] [CiteScore=16.4]
  329. Yang, D., Jia, X.X., Dang, M., Han, F., Shi, F., Tanikawa, H., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Life cycle assessment of cleaner production measures in monosodium glutamate production: A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.122126 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  330. Jia, X.X., Klemeš, J.J., Wan Alwi, S.R., Varbanov, P.S., 2020. Regional water resources assessment using water scarcity pinch analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 157, p.104749 2020. [IF=8.086] [CiteScore=10.7]
  331. Yang, F., Fan, X.Y., Jia, X.X., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, Z.Y., 2020. An Iterative Design Approach for Water Networks With Multiple Regeneration Units. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.122483. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  332. Vabanov P.S., Jia X.X., Lim J.S., 2020. Process Assessment, Integration and Optimisation: The Path towards Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production., DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124602 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  333. Chin HH, Varbanov PS, Liew PY, Klemeš JJ, 2020. Pinch-based Targeting Methodology for Multi-Contaminant Material Recycle/Reuse. Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:10.1016/j.ces.2020.116129 2021. [IF=3.871] [CiteScore=6.1]
  334. Chin HH, Varbanov PS, Klemeš JJ, Benjamin MFD, Tan R., 2020. Asset Maintenance Optimisation Approaches in the Chemical and Process Industries – A Review. Chemical Engineering Research and Design,164, 162-194. 2020. [IF=3.350] [CiteScore=5.4]
  335. Liew, P.Y., Varbanov, P.S., Foley, A., Klemeš, J.J., 2021. Smart energy management and recovery towards Sustainable Energy System Optimisation with bio-based renewable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135, 110385. 2021. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.5]
  336. Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Plesu Popescu, A.-E., Boldyryev, S., 2020. Thermodynamics-Based Process Sustainability Evaluation. Energies 13, 2132. 2020. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  337. Makarova A., Yakubov R., Varbanov P.S., 2020. Global Mercury Footprint Evaluation using a Geographical Pollutant Propagation Model. Chemical Engineering Transactions 81, 1213–1218. 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  338. Wang L., Fan Y.V., Varbanov P.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., 2020. Water Footprints and Virtual Water Flows Embodied in the Power Supply Chain. Water 12(11), 3006. 2020. [IF=2.544] [CiteScore=3]
  339. Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Y., Foley, A., Huisingh, D., Guan, D., Dong, X., Varbanov, P.S. Unsustainable Imbalances and Inequities in Carbon-Water-Energy Flows across the EU27. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2020. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.5]
  340. Fan Y.V., Nevrlý V., Šomplák R., Smejkalová V., 2020, The Potential of Carbon Emission Footprint Reduction from Biowaste in Mixed Municipal Solid Waste-EU-27, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 775-780 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  341. Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nowdeh, S.A., Kamyab, H., Ramtin, A.R., Shahrokhi, S., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Comparative Evaluation of Hybrid Photovoltaic, Wind, Tidal and Fuel Cell Clean System Design for Different Regions with Remote Application Considering Cost. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.124207. 2020. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  342. Amen, R., Yaseen, M., Mukhtar, A., Klemeš, J.J., Saqib, S., Ullah, S., Al-Sehemi, A.G., Rafiq, S., Babar, M., Fatt, C.L., Ibrahim, M., 2020. Lead and Cadmium Removal from Wastewater using Eco-Friendly Biochar Adsorbent Derived from Rice Husk, Wheat Straw, and Corncob. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, p.100006. .
  343. Klemeš, J.J., Van Fan, Y., 2020, September. Plastic Replacements: Win or Loss?. In 2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. .
  344. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., 2020, September. Variation in the Environmental Sustainability Performance of Bioenergy. In 2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. .
  345. Wang, B., Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S. and Klemeš, J.J., 2020, September. A MILP-Based Iteration Method for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis. In 2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. .
  346. Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., Klemeš, J.J., Liew, P.Y., Lee, C.T., 2020. Integrated regional waste management to minimise the environmental footprints in circular economy transition. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, p.105292. . [IF=8.086] [CiteScore=10.7]
  347. Wang, B., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, X. and Yang, W., 2020. Heat integration incorporating leakage risk assessment of heat exchanger networks. Computers & Chemical Engineering, p.107173. 2020. [IF=4.000] [CiteScore=6.3]
  348. Cao, Y., Ke, H., Klemeš, J.J., Zeng, M. and Wang, Q., 2020. Comparison of aerodynamic noise and heat transfer for shell-and-tube heat exchangers with continuous helical and segmental baffles. Applied Thermal Engineering, p.116341. 2020. [IF=4.725] [CiteScore=8.8]
  349. Fan YV*, Klemeš JJ, Lee CT, 2020. An Overview of the Potential Uses of Biochar Contributing to a Cleaner Environment. Chemical Engineering Transactions 2020. [CiteScore=1.3]
  350. Zeinalnezhad M, Chofreh AG , Goni FA , Klemeš JJ, Sari E, 2020. Patient’s workflow modeling to improve waiting time using Timed Colored Petri net. Int J of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020. [IF=2.849]
  351. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Moosavi, S.M.S., Davoudi, M. and Zeinalnezhad, M., 2020. Covid-19 shock: Development of strategic management framework for global energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, p.110643. 2020. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.5]
  352. Fan, Y.V., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J. and Romanenko, S.V., 2021. Urban and industrial symbiosis for circular economy: Total EcoSite Integration. Journal of Environmental Management, 279, p.111829. 2020. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  353. Wang B , Klemeš JJ, Malášek J., Hemzal M., Liang Y, Zeng M, 2020. A novel turbine ventilator with a damper regulator to adjust exhausted air for energy-saving in buildings. Journal of Building Engineering 2020. [IF=3.379] [CiteScore=4.9]
  354. Jia XX, Varbanov PS, Wan Alwi SR, Yang D, Klemeš JJ, 2020. Cost-based Quality and Quantity Water Footprint for Industrial Water Assessment Considering Multiple Contaminants. Resources, Conservation & Recyling 2020. [IF=8.806] [CiteScore=10.7]
  355. Jamaluddin, K., Alwi, S.W., Abd Manan, Z., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Performance of Centralised Trigeneration Plant on Sensitivity Analysis of Total Site System. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020.
  356. Amen R, Hameed J., Albashar , Kamran HW, Mansoor Ul Hassan Shah, Khaleeq U. Zaman, Ahmad Mukhtar, Sidra Saqib, Saqib Iqbal Ch., Muhammad Ibrahim, Sami Ullah, Abdullah G. Al-Sehemi, Sajid Rashid Ahmad, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Awais Bokhari, Saira Asif, 2020. Modeling the Higher Heating Value of Municipal Solid Waste for Assessment of Waste-To-Energy Potential: A Sustainable Case Study. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  357. Jing, P., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., 2021. Impacts of COVID-19 on energy demand and consumption: Challenges, lessons and emerging opportunities. Applied Energy, p.116441. 2021. [IF=8.848] [CiteScore=16.4]
  358. Jiang, P., Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V., Fu, X., Bee, Y.M. 2021, More Is Not Enough: A Deeper Understanding of the COVID-19 Impacts on Healthcare, Energy and Environment Is Crucial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 684. 2021. [IF=2.849]
  359. Mikulčić H., Baleta J., Klemeš J.J., Wang X., 2021, Energy transition and the role of system integration of the energy, water and environmental systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.126027. 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  360. Gai L.M., Varbanov P.S., Fan Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Romanenko S.V., 2021. Trade-offs between the recovery, exergy demand and economy in the recycling of multiple resources. Resources, Conservation & Recyling, 167, p.105428. 2021. [IF=8.806] [CiteScore=10.7]
  361. Ouyang X., Wei X., Li Y.G., Wang X.C., Klemeš, J.J., 2021. Impacts of urban land morphology on PM2.5 concentration in the urban agglomerations of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 283, p.112000. 2021. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  362. Amen, R., Hameed, J., Albashar, G., Kamran, H.W., Hassan Shah, M.U., Zaman, M.K.U., Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Ch, S.I., Ibrahim, M., Ullah, S., Al-Sehemi, A.G., Ahmad, S.R., Klemeš, J.J.,.Bokhari, A., Asif, S. Thermo-Kinetic Study to Elucidate the Bioenergy Potential of Maple Leaf Waste (MLW) by Pyrolysis, TGA and Kinetic Modelling. Fuel. 2021. [IF=5.578] [CiteScore=9.1]
  363. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Zeng, M., 2021. Energy Storage of Low Potential Heat using Lithium Hydroxide Based Sorbent for Domestic Heat Supply. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  364. Chin, H.H., Liew, P.Y., Varbanov, P., Klemeš, J.J., 2020. Extension of Pinch Analysis to Targeting and Synthesis of Multi-Contaminant Material Recycle and Reuse Networks. Authorea Preprints 2020.
  365. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Li, N., Zeng, M., Varbanov, P.S., Liang, Y., 2021. Heat exchanger network retrofit with heat exchanger and material type selection: A review and a novel method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021. [IF=12.110] [CiteScore=25.5]
  366. Authin E.A., Liew P.Y., Klemeš J.J., Ho W.S., Jusoh N.W.C., Rozali N.E.M., 2021. Integration of Combined Heat and Power Energy Systems with Gas Turbine in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors. Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  367. Wang, B., Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Zeng M., Liang Y. 2021. Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Using Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  368. Wang X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S. 2021. Methods and Trends for Water-Energy-Carbon Emissions Nexus Assessment, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  369. Tana, H., Onga, P.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Bonga, C.P.C., Lic, C., Gaoc, Y., Leea, C.T., 2021. Mitigation of Soil Salinity using Biochar Derived from Lignocellulosic Biomass, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  370. Sabki M.H., Ong P.Y., Ibrahim N., Lee C.T., Klemeš, J.J., 2021. A Review on Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Plant Growth Metabolite Framework by Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria for Sustainable Agriculture, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  371. Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Oclon P. 2021. Exergy Profit Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Processing, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  372. Fan Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee C.T. 2021. Environmental Performance and Techno-Economic Feasibility of Different Biochar Applications: An Overview, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  373. Lim L.Y., Lee C.T., Bong C.P.C., Lim J.S., Ong P.Y., Klemeš, J.J. 2021. Selection of Parameters for Soil Quality Following Compost Application: A Ranking Method, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  374. Razak N.H., Hashim H., Yunus N.A., Klemeš, J.J. 2021. Integrated GIS-AHP Optimization for Bioethanol from Oil Palm Biomass Supply Chain Network Design, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.3]
  375. Wang, X.C., Klemeš, J.J., Ouyang X., Xu, Z., Fan W., Wei H., Song W., 2021. Water-Energy-Carbon Emissions nexus analysis of China: An environmental input-output model-based approach. Applied Energy 2021. [IF=8.848] [CiteScore=16.4]
  376. Seferlis, P., Varbanov, P.S., Papadopoulos, A.I., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., 2021. Sustainable Design, Integration, and Operation for Energy High-Performance Process Systems. Energy 2021. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  377. Jia X, Neven Duic, 2020. Advanced Methods and Technologies Towards Environmental Sustainability. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2021. [IF=2.429] [CiteScore=4.8]
  378. Munir M., Ahmad M., Mubashir M., Asif S., Waseem A., Mukhtar A., Saqib S., Munawaroh S.H.S., Lam M.K., Khoo S.K., Bokhari A., Show P.L., 2021. A practical approach for synthesis of biodiesel via non-edible seeds oils using trimetallic based montmorillonite nano-catalyst. Bioresourse Technology 2021. [IF=7.539] [CiteScore=12.8]
  379. Chin H.H., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Liew P.Y., 2021. Enhanced Cascade Table Analysis to Target and Design Multi-Constraint Resource Conservation Networks, Computers and Chemical Engineering 2021. [IF=4.000] [CiteScore=6.3]
  380. Wang B, Klemeš JJ, Varbanov PS, Zeng M, Liang Y, 2021. Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis considering prohibited and restricted matches, Energy 2021. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  381. Dawood S., Koyande AK., Ahmad M., Mubashir M., Asif S., Klemeš J.J., Bokhari A., Saqib S., Lee M., Qyyum MA., Show PL., Synthesis of biodiesel from non-edible (Brachychiton populneus) oil in the presence of nickel oxide nanocatalyst: parametric and optimisation studies. Chemosphere. 2021. [IF=5.778] [CiteScore=8.8]
  382. Wang B., Klemeš J.J., Gai L., Varbanov P.S., Liang Y. A Heat and Power Pinch for Process Integration targeting in hybrid energy systems.Journal of Environmental Management 2021. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  383. Perković L., Leko D., Lekić A., Mikulčić H., Varbanov P.S. Integration of Photovoltaic Electricity with Shallow Geother-mal Systems for Residential Microgrids: Proof of Concept and Techno-Economic Analysis with RES2GEO Model.Energies 2021. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  384. Radelyuk I., Tussupova K., Klemeš J.J., Persson K.M. Oil refinery and Water Pollution in the Сontext of Sustainable Development: Developing and Developed Countries.Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  385. Li N; J Wang J; Klemeš J.J., Wang Q,; Varbanov P.S.; Yang W; Liu X; Zeng M A target-evaluation method for heat exchanger network optimisation with heat transfer enhancement.Energy Conversion & Management 2021. [IF=8.208] [CiteScore=13.6]
  386. Li W., Klemeš J.J., Wang Q., Zeng M. Characterisation and sorption behaviour of LiOH-LiCl@EG composite sorbents for thermochemical energy storage with controllable thermal upgradeability.Chemical Engineering Journal 2021. [IF=10.652] [CiteScore=15.2]
  387. Ullah, S , Al-sehemı, A , Klemeš, J.J , Saqıb, S , Gondal, S , Saqıb, S , Arshad, A , Saqıb, H , Mukhtar, A , Ibrahım, M , Asıf, S , Bokharı, A . A Review of the Progress of COVID-19 Vaccine Development . Duzce Medical Journal 2021. [IF=0.200] [CiteScore=0.1]
  388. Wang B, Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Shahzad K., Kabli M.R., Total Site Heat Integration benefiting from geothermal energy for heating and cooling implementations. Journal of Environmental Management, 290, 15 July 2021, 112596
  389. [IF=5.647] [CiteScore=7.6]
  390. Riaz, F., Qyyum M.A., Bokhari A., Klemeš J.J., Usman, M., Asim, M., Awan, M.R.,  Imran, M., Lee M., Design and Energy Analysis of a Solar Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System with Built-In Daily Energy Storage. Energies  2021. [IF=2.702] [CiteScore=3.8]
  391. Tawfik, A., Nasr, M., Galal, A., El-Qelisha, M., Yuc, Z., Hassand, M.A., Salah, H.A., Hasanin, M.S., Meng, F., Bokhari, A., Qyyum, M.A., Lee, M., Fermentation-based nanoparticle systems for sustainable conversion of blackliquor into biohydrogen 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  392. Chin HH, Jia XX, Varbanov PS, Klemeš JJ, Liu Z., Internal and Total Site Water Networks Design with Water Mains Using Pinch-Based and Optimisation Approaches 2021. [IF=7.632] [CiteScore=9.7]
  393. Wang L., Fan Y.V., Jiang P., Varbanov PS*., Klemeš JJ., Virtual water and CO2 emission footprints embodied in power trade: EU-27 2021. [IF=5.042] [CiteScore=8.7]
  394. Zeinalnezhad M, Chofreh AG, Goni FA, Hashemi LS, Klemeš JJ., Development of a Hybrid Risk Analysis Model for Wind Farms Development using Coloured Petri Nets and Interpretive Structural Modelling 2021. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  395. Yang L., Wang XC, Dai M., Chen B., Qiao Y., Deng H., Zhang D., Zhang Y., de Almeida Cecília Maria Villas Bôas, Chiu A.S.F., Klemeš J.J., Wang Y., Shifting from fossil-based economy to bio-based economy: Status quo, challenges, and prospects,  2021. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  396. Kapustenko, P., Klemeš, J.J., Arsenyeva, O., Tovazhnyanskyy, L., Zorenko, V.,  Pressure drop in two phase flow of condensing air-steam mixture inside PHE channels formed by plates with corrugations of different geometries . [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  397. Jiang, P., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Te, S.H., Gin, K.Y., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Shoemaker, C.A., Cyanobacterial Risk Prevention under Global Warming Using an Extended Bayesian Network 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  398. Qadeer, M.U., Ayoub, M., Komiyama, M., Khan Daulatzai, M.U., Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Ullah, S., Qyyum, M.A., Asif, S., Bokhari, A., Review of biodiesel synthesis technologies, current trends, yield influencing factors and economical analysis of supercritical process 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=10.9]
  399. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wan-Alwi, S.R., Total Site Material Mains/Headers Targeting and Network Design Framework with Minimal Cross-plant Source Transfer 2021. [IF=4.000] [CiteScore=6.3]
  400. Sari, E., Ma’aram, A., Shaharoun, A.M., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Measuring sustainable cleaner maintenance hierarchical contributions of the car manufacturing industry 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  401. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Zeng, M., Numerical analysis on the improved thermo-chemical behaviour of hierarchical energy materials as a cascaded thermal accumulator 2021. [IF=6.082] [CiteScore=9.9]
  402. Dong, X., Ren, J., Zhang, P., Jin, Y., Liu, R., Wang, X-C, Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J., Entwining ecosystem services, Land Use Change and human well-being by nitrogen flows 2021. [IF=7.246] [CiteScore=10.9]
  403. Gai, L., Varbanov, P.S., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Nižetić, S., Targeting and Optimisation of Industrial and Urban Symbiosis for Circular Economy 2021. [CiteScore=0.9]
  404. Chin, H.H., Wang, B., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Markov Decision Process to Optimise Long-term Asset Maintenance and Technologies Investment in Chemical Industry 2021. [CiteScore=0.9]
  405. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Zheng, T., Liang, Y., A fair profit allocation model for the distribution 2021. [CiteScore=0.9]
  406. Chin, H.H., Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wan-Alwi, S.R., Targeting Flowrates and Concentrations in Internal or Total Site Water Mains for Single Contaminant 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  407. Asif, S.,  Klemeš, J.J., Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Chuah, L.F., Bokhari, A., Intensification of Biodiesel Synthesis in a Cavitation System 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  408. Wang, X.C., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Water-Energy-Carbon Network Critical Transmissions: Case Study of China 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  409. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Wan Alwi, S.R., The Environmental Footprint of Renewable Energy Transition with Increasing Energy Demand: Eco-Cost 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  410. Bong, C.P.C., Lim, L.Y., Lee, C.T., Ong, P.Y., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Integrating Application of Compost and Biochar Towards Sustainable Soil Management 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  411. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Youngtu, L.;  A New Diagram for Long-term Heat Exchanger Network Cleaning and Retrofit Planning 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  412. Panizzut, N., Rafi-ul-Shana, P.M., Amar, H., Sher, F., Mazhar, M.U., Klemeš, J.J., Exploring relationship between environmentalism and consumerism in a market economy society: A structured systematic literature review 2021.
  413. Li, M., Yu, H,. Zheng, D., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, J., Effects of salt and solidification treatment on the oil-contaminated soil: A case study in the coastal region of Tianjin, China 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  414. Guo, Z., Li, N., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Zeng, M., Mechanism and strategies for ash deposition reduction in flue gas heat exchanger 2021. [IF=3.636] [CiteScore=5.5]
  415. Chuah, L.F., Mohd Salleh, N.H., Osnin, N.A., Alcaide, J.I., Abdul Majid, M.H., Abdullah, A.A., Bokhari, A., A Jalil, E.E., Klemeš, J.J. Profiling Malaysian ship registration and seafarers for streamlining future Malaysian shipping governance 2021. [CiteScore=1.1]
  416. Chen, J., Li, D., Klemeš, J.J., Qian, Y., Yang, S., A sustainable syngas cryogenic separation process combined with ammonia absorption refrigeration pre-cooling cycle; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  417. Arsenyeva, O., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P., Fedorenko, O., Kusakov, S., Kobylnik, D., Plate heat exchanger design for the utilisation of waste heat from exhaust gases of drying process 2021. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  418. Mehmood, T., Gaurav, G.K., Cheng, L., Klemeš, J.J., Usman, M., Bokhari, A., Lu, J., A review on plant-microbial interactions, functions, mechanisms and emerging trends in bioretention system to improve multi-contaminated stormwater treatment; Journal of Enevironmental Management 2021. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  419. Gai, L., Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Nižetić, S., Total Site Hydrogen Integration with Fresh Hydrogen of Multiple Quality and Waste Hydrogen Recovery in Refineries; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2022. [IF=5.816] [CiteScore=9]
  420. Lim, J.H.K, Gan, Y.Y., Ong, H.C., Lau, B.F., Chen, W.H., Chong, C.T., Ling, T.C., Klemeš, J.J.; Utilization of microalgae for bio-jet fuel production in the aviation sector: Challenges and perspective; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  421. Jia, X.X.,*Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X.; The Impact of COVID-19 on the Water Sector: A Review; Chemical Engineering Transaction 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  422. Sanadi, N.F.B.A., Ibrahim, N., Ong, P.Y., Klemeš, J.J., Li, C., Lee, C.T.; Dilution rate of compost leachate from different biowaste for the fertigation; Journal of Environmental Management 2021. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  423. Razak, N.H., Hasim, H., Yunus, N.A., Klemeš, J.J.; Reducing diesel exhaust emissions by optimisation of alcohol oxygenate blend with diesel/biodiesel; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  424. Jiang, P., Klemeš, J.J., Fan, Y.V., Fu, X., Tan, R.R., You, S., Foley, A.; Energy, environmental, economic and social equity (4E) pressures of COVID-19 vaccination mismanagement: A global perspective; Energy 2021. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  425. Fan, Y.V., Romanenko, S., Gai, L., Kupressova, E., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Biomass Integration for Energy Recovery and Efficient Use of Resources: Tomsk Region;  Energy 2021. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  426. Klemeš J.J., Jiang P., Fan Y.V., Bokhari A., Wang X.C.; COVID-19 Pandemics Stage II – Energy and Environmental Impacts of Vaccination; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  427. Ayoobi, N, Sharifrazi, D., Alizadehsani, R., Shoeibi, A., Gorriz, J.M., Moosaei, H, Khosravi, A., Nahavandi, S., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Mosavi, A.; Time series forecasting of new cases and new deaths rate for COVID-19 using deep learning methods; Results in Physics 2021. [IF=4.476] [CiteScore=7.1]
  428. Yang, L., Zhang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Liu, J., Song, M., Wang, J.; Effect of buried depth on thermal performance of a vertical U-tube underground heat exchanger; Open Physics
  429. [IF=1.067] [CiteScore=1.9]
  430. Wang, W., Zhang, B., Cui, L., Zheng, H., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, J.; Numerical study on heat transfer and flow characteristics of nanofluids in a circular tube with trapezoid ribs; Open Physics 2021. [IF=1.067] [CiteScore=1.9]
  431. Wang, X., Jiang, P., Yang, L., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Y.; Extended water-energy nexus contribution to environmentally-related sustainable development goals; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  432. Yong, W.N., Liew, P.Y., Woon, K.S., Wan Alwi, S.R., Klemeš, J.J.; A Pinch-based multi-energy targeting framework for combined chilling heating power microgrid of urban-industrial symbiosis; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  433. Qiao, A., Cui, M., Huang, R., Ding, G., Qi, W., He, Z., Klemeš, J.J., Su, R.; Advances in nanocellulose-based materials as adsorbents of heavy metals and dyes; Carbohydrate Polymers 2021. [IF=9.381] [CiteScore=13.4]
  434. Zhang, L, Deng, T., Klemeš, J.J., Zeng, M., Ma, T., Wang, Q.; Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle at different heat source temperatures and its analysis under leakage and disturbance conditions; Energy 2021. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  435. Ashraf, M.S., Hassan, M.U., Bokhari, A., Hasan, M.; Less is more: Optimising the biocementation of coastal sands by reducing influent urea through response surface method; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  436. Ullah, H., Qureshi, K.S., Khan, U., Zaffar, M., Yang, Y.J., Rabat, N.E., Khan, M.I., Saqib, S., Mukhtar, A., Ullah, S., Mubashir, M., Bokhari, A., Chai, W.S., Chew, K.W., Show, P.L.; Self-healing epoxy coating synthesis by embedment of metal 2-methyl imidazole and acetylacetonate complexes with microcapsules; Chemosphere 2021. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
  437. Asif, S., Mubashir, M., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Saqib S., Mukhtar M., Krishna, A., Show, P.L.; Enhanced production of non-edible Xanthium spinosum -based biodiesel using waste biomass under dynamic conditions; Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2021. [IF=4.987] [CiteScore=5566]
  438. Sabki, M.H., Ong, P.Y., Lee, C.T., Ibrahim, N., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., 2021, The Potential of Rhodopseudomonas Palustris as Bio-Fertiliser for Sustainable Agriculture, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  439. Aviso, K., Capili, M.J., Chin, H.H., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Tan, R.R., 2021, Detecting Patterns in Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Cities Using Machine Learning, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  440. Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., 2021, Roles of E-waste in a Circular Economy: EU-27, IEEE conference proceedings 2021.
  441. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Fozer, D., Mizsey, P., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X.X., 2021, Data-Driven Recyclability Classification of Plastic Waste, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  442. Jain, S., Chin, H.H., Bandyopadhyay, S., Klemeš, J.J., 2021, Optimising Segregated Resource Conservation Network with Cross-Zonal Transfer for Multiple Resources and Qualities, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  443. Jia, X.X., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X., 2021, The Impact of COVID-19 on the Water Sector: A Review, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  444. Zhang, Y., Wang, B., Liang, Y., Yuan, M., Klemeš, J.J., 2021, Simultaneously Retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks and Towers for a Natural Gas Purification Plant, Chemical Engineering Transactions 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  445. Khan, N.A., Bokhari, A., Mubashir, M., Klemeš, J.J., El Morabet, R., Khan, R.A., Alsubih, M., Azam, M., Saqib S., Mukhtar, A., Koyande, A., Show, P.L. Treatment of Hospital wastewater with submerged aerobic fixed film reactor coupled with tube-settler, Chemosphere 2022. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
  446. Kumar, A., Yu, Z.-G., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A. A state-of-the-art review of greenhouse gas emissions from Indian hydropower reservoirs, Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  447. Inayat, A., Jamil, F., Ghenai, C., Kamil, M., Bokhari, A., Waris, A., Rafiq, S., Khurram, S.,Biodiesel synthesis from neem oil using neem seeds residue as sustainable catalyst support, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery  2021. [IF=4.987]
  448. Han, N., Race, M., Zhang, W., Marotta, R., Zhang, C., Bokhari, A., Klemeš, J.J. Perovskite and related oxide based electrodes for water splitting, Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  449. Wei, X., Qiu, R., Liang, Y., Liao, Q., Klemeš, J.J., Xue, J., Zhang, H.; Roadmap to carbon emissions neutral industrial parks: Energy, economic and environmental analysis; Energy 2022. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  450. Fózer, D., Tóth, A.J., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Mizsey, P.; Sustainability assessment of biomethanol production via hydrothermal gasification supported by artificial neural network; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  451. Jiang, P., Zhou, J., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J., Zheng, M., Varbanov, P.S.; Data analysis of resident engagement and sentiments in social media enables better household waste segregation and recycling; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  452. Dashti, A., Noushabadi, A.S., Asadi, J., Raji, M., Chofreh, A.G., Klemeš, J.J., Mohammadie, A.H.; Review of higher heating value of municipal solid waste based on analysis and smart modelling; RSER 2021. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  453. Fan, Y.V.*, Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., Tan, R.R.; Demographic and Socio-economic Factors including Sustainability Related Indexes in Waste Generation and Recovery; Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilizatiion and Environmental Effects . [IF=3.447] [CiteScore=3.4]
  454. Varbanov, P.S.*, Gai, L., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J.; Minimisation of the Energy Resource Demands and Environmental Footprints for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis using the Circularity Concept; IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  455. Gai, L.*, Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J.; Membrane Separation for Light Hydrocarbons Recovery in the Petrochemical Industry; IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  456. Sadenova, M.A., Rakhymberdina, M.Y., Kulenova, N.A., Mamysheva, A.M.,  Assylkhanova, Z.A., Klemeš, J.J.; The indicators of agricultural crops based on the remote sensing of the earth (ERS), IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  457. Rakhymberdina, M.Y., Sadenova, M.A., Kulenova, N.A., Erkinovna, U.M., Klemeš, J.J.; Smart green agriculture on industrially polluted agricultural landscapes; IEEE Conference Proceeding (spliTech 21) 2021.
  458. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Plastic waste categorisation using machine learning methods-metals contaminations; IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  459. Beisekenov, N.A., Anuarbekov, T.B., Sadenova, M.A., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, J.; Machine learning model identification for forecasting of soya crop yields in Kazakhstan; IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  460. Jia, X., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S., Wan Alwi, S.R.; Overview of the methodology developments in water-energy nexus studies; IEEE Conference Proceeding (SpliTech 21) 2021.
  461. Fan, Y.V.*, Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C.T., Tan, R.R.; Relation of Innovation Index and Socioeconomic Factors to Waste Generation; PRES Proceedings .
  462. Kudela, L., Špiláček, M., Pospíšil, J.; Influence of control strategy on seasonal coefficient of performance for a heat pump with low-temperature heat storage in the geographical conditions of Central Europe; Energy 2021.
  463. Zálešák, M., Charvát, P., Klimeš, L.; Identification of the effective heat capacity–temperature relationship and the phase change hysteresis in PCMs by means of an inverse heat transfer problem solved with metaheuristic methods; Applied Thermal Engineering 2021.
  464. Sitek, T., Pospíšil, J., Poláčik, J., Chýlek, R.; Thermogravimetric analysis of solid biomass fuels and corresponding emission of fine particles; Energy 2021.
  465. Chýlek, R., Kudela, L., Pospíšil, J., Šnajdárek, L.; Parameters Influencing the Emission of Ultrafine Particles during 3D Printing; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021.
  466. Zálešák, M., Charvát, P., Klimeš, L.; Robustness and Accuracy of the Particle Swarm Optimisation Method in the Solution of Inverse Heat Transfer Problems with Phase Change; CET 2021.
  467. Klimeš, L., Charvát, P., Štětina, J.; Heat Transfer and Water Consumption of Water Spray Cooling of High-Temperature Surfaces: A Review on Empirical Correlations; CET 2021.
  468. Nevrlý V., Šomplák R., Smejkalová V., Lipovský T., Jadrný J. Location of municipal waste containers: Trade-off between criteria (2021) Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, art. no. 123445. 2021.
  469. Pluskal J., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Smejkalová V., Pavlas M. Strategic decisions leading to sustainable waste management: Separation, sorting and recycling possibilities (2021) Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, art. no. 123359. 2021.
  470. Putna, O., Pavlas, M., Turek, V., 2021. Influence of Waste-to-Energy Plant Integration on Local Immission Load. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 175-1 – 175-12. 2021.
  471. Nevrlý V., Šomplák R., Szásziová L., Pluskal J., Procházka V. Offshore Conceptual Plastic Waste Collection and Treatment Towards Clean Ocean (2021) Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12 (12), 6523 – 6541. 2021.
  472. Matušinec J., Hrabec D., Šomplák R., Nevrlý V., Redutskiy Y. Cooking oils and fat waste collection infrastructure planning: a regional-level outline (2022) Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24 (1), 109 – 123. 2022.
  473. Šomplák, R.; Kopa, M.; Omelka, M.; Nevrlý, V.; Pavlas, M. Multi-Level Stratification of Territories for Waste Composition Analysis. Proceedings of SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2021. 158-158. ISSN: 1847-7178. 2021.
  474. Tocháček J., Gregor J., Kropáč J., Pavlas M., Poul D., Ucekaj V. Plastics Recycling as a Part of Circular Economy (2021) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 88, 1303 – 1308. 2021.
  475. Eryganov, I.; Šomplák, R.; Nevrlý, V. Advanced Approach to Cooperative Waste Treatment Cost Reduction Game. Proceedings of SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2021. p. 149-149. ISSN: 1847-7178. 2021.
  476. Jia, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, F.*, Aviso, K., Jia, X.X., Tan, R.R., Klemeš, J.J.; Vulnerability analysis for park-wide water management using dynamic input-output model; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  477. Jia, X.X.*, Klemeš, J.J., Tan, R.R.; Overview of Water Use in Renewable Electricity Generation; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  478. Jia, X.*, Zhou, T., Li, Z., Aviso, K., Jia, X.X., Tan, R.R., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, F.; Integrated Approach for Sectoral Carbon Drawdown Solutions; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  479. Chin, H.H., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J., Bandyopadhyay, S.; Subsidised Water Symbiosis of Eco-Industrial Parks: A Multi-Stage Cooperative Game Theory Approach; Computer & Chemical Engineering . [IF=3.845] [CiteScore=7]
  480. Hussnain S.A., Farooq M., Amjad M., Riaz F., Tahir Z.U.R., Sultan M., Hussain I., Shakir M.A., Qyyum M.A., Han N., Bokhari A.; Thermal Analysis and Energy Efficiency Improvements in Tunnel Kiln for Sustainable Environment; Processes 2021. [IF=2.847] [CiteScore=2.4]
  481. Oh, X.B., Rozali N.E.M., Liew, P.Y., Klemeš, J.J.; Design of integrated energy-water systems using Pinch Analysis: A nexus study of energy-water-carbon emissions; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  482. Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., Tan, R.R., Aviso, K., You, F., Zhao, X., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J.; Plastic Waste Generation and Interventions for Environmental Hazard Mitigation; Journal of Hazardous Material 2022. [IF=10.588] [CiteScore=13.4]
  483. Tawfik A., Moanis R., Qyyum M.A., Kumari S., Bux F., Ayub H.M.U., Khan M.S., Bokhari A., Mubashir M., Khoo K.S., Show P.L; Sustainable fermentation approach for biogenic hydrogen productivity from delignified sugarcane bagasse; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . [IF=5.816] [CiteScore=9]
  484. Shah, S.Q.A., Lai, F.‐W., Shad, M.K., Konečná, Z., Goni, F.A., Chofreh, A.G., Klemeš, J.J.; The Inclusion of Intellectual Capital into the Green Board Committee to Enhance Firm Performance; Sustainability 2021. [IF=3.251] [CiteScore=3.9]
  485. Nawaz S., Ahmad M., Asif S., Klemeš J.J., Mubashir M., Munir M., Zafar M., Bokhari A., Mukhtar A., Saqib S., Khoo K.S., Show P.L.; Phyllosilicate derived catalysts for efficient conversion of lignocellulosic derived biomass to biodiesel: a review; Bioresourse Technology 2022. [IF=9.642] [CiteScore=14.8]
  486. Shoshay, Z., Sapinov, R., Sadenova, M.*, Varbanov, P.S.; Intensification of the extracting process of non-ferrous metals from Kazakhstani technogenic raw materials; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  487. Varbanov, P.S.*, Chin, H.H., Jia, X., Sher, F., Klemeš, J.J.; Environmental Impacts of Plastic Materials Flow Minimisation using Data-driven Pinch Method; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  488. Klemeš, J.J.*, Varbanov, P.S., Fan, Y.V., Seferlis, P., Wang, X.C., Jia, X.; Twenty-Four Years of PRES Conferences: Recent Past, Present and Future-Process Integration Towards Sustainability; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  489. Beisekenov, N.*, Sadenova, M., Rakhymberdina, M., Varbanov, P.S.; Mathematical Optimization As A Tool For The Development Of “Smart” Agriculture In Kazakhstan; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  490. Zeng, M., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Varbanov, P.S., Li, N., Wang, B., Guo, Z., Chin, H.H., Hemzal, M.*; Enhancement and Energy Optimised Integration of Heat Exchangers in Petrochemical Industry for Waste Heat Utilisation (Bilateral Collaborative Project) ; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  491. Laptev, N., Adam, A., Romanenko, S.*, Fan, Y.V., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Assessment of the Sustainability of the Development of the Regions of the Siberian Federal District According to the Degree of Achievement of Goal 7 of the MDGs ; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  492. Sadenova, M.*, Beisekenov, N., Rakhymberdina, M.,Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Mathematical Modeling In Crop Production To Predict Crop Yields; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  493. Kapustenko, P., Arsenyeva, O., Klemeš, J.J., Tovazhnyansky, L., Zorenko, V., Fedorenko, O.; The Influence of Plate Corrugations Geometry on Performance of PHE as Condenser of Steam from its Mixture with Air; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  494. Pang, K.Y., Liew, P.Y., Ho, W.S., Woon, K.S., Wan-Alwi, S.R., Klemeš, J.J.; Optimisation of Renewable-Based Multi-Energy System with Hydrogen Energy for Urban-Industrial Symbiosis; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  495. Yuzbashyan, A., Polyvianchuk, A., Klemeš, J.J., Kapustenko, P., Klochok, E., Arsenyeva, O.; Individual Heat Substations Integrated with Heat Pumps for District Heating Systems in Ukraine; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  496. Zhang, L., Klemeš, J.J., Zeng, M., Ma, T., Wang, Q.; Dynamic Study of Load Detachment in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  497. Sari, E., Marie, I.A., Erika, Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J., Zeinalnezhad, M.; Lean Sustainable Competitive Manufacturing Strategy Assessment: A Case Study in the Indonesian Car Manufacturing Company; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  498. Chuah, L.F., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Asif, S.; A Review of Biodiesel Production from Renewable Resources: Chemical Reactions; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  499. Bokhari, A., Klemeš, J.J., Asif, S.; Aeration Supported Process Intensification of Waste Water for Degradation of Benzene in an Orifice Type Hydrodynamic Cavitation System; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  500. Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Zeinalnezhad, M., Klemeš, J.J., Konečná, Z.; COVID-19 Shock: The Necessity of Rethinking about Strategic Management for Global Energy; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  501. Konečná, Z., Goni, F.A., Chofreh, A.G., Mohammadi, Z., Khademizadeh, S., Klemeš, J.J.; Review of Research on Sustainable Education Influenced by the COVID-19 Pandemic; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  502. Zhao, X., Klemeš, J.J., You, F., Energy and environmental sustainability of waste personal protective equipment (PPE) treatment under COVID-19, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  503. Chin, H.H., Liew, P.Y.,  Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Extension of Pinch Analysis to Target and Synthesis of Water Recycling Networks with Multiple Contaminants ; Chemical Engineering Science 2022. [IF=4.311] [CiteScore=7.3]
  504. Rozina, Ahmad, M., Asif, S., Klemeš, J.J., Mubashir, M., Bokhari, A., Sultana, S., Mukhtar, A., Zafar, M.,  Bazmi, A.A., Sami Ullah,  Khan, M.S., Koyande, A.K., Mofijur, M.d., How P-L, Conversion of the toxic and hazardous Zanthoxylum armatum seed oil into methyl ester using green and recyclable silver oxide nanoparticles; Fuel 2022. [IF=6.609] [CiteScore=9.8]
  505. Sher, F., Raore, D., Klemeš, J.J.,  Rafi-ul-Shan, P.M., Khzouz, M., Marintseva, K., Razmkhah, O.;  Unprecedented Impacts of Aviation Emissions on Global Environmental and Climate Change Scenario; Current Pollution Report 2021. [IF=6.373] [CiteScore=6.8]
  506. Rakhymberdina, M.Y., Sadenova, M.A., Kulenova, N.A., Asangaliyev, Y.A., Shaimardanova, B.K., Toguzova, M.M., Varbanov, P.S., Shaimardanov, Z.K.; Nanopreparations Impact on Soybeans Growth and Development under Conditions of Piedmont Zone of East Kazakhstan; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  507. Varbanov, P.S.*, Klemeš, J.J., Chin, H.H.; Minimisation of the Resource Demands and Environmental Footprints – the Need for Smart Symbiosis Networks; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  508. Makarova, А., Evstaf’eva, E., Lapchenco, V., Varbanov, P.S.; Modelling tropospheric ozone variations using artificial neural networks: A case study on the Black Sea coast (Russian Federation); Cleaner Engineering and Technology 2021.
  509. Tan, W.E., Liew, P.Y., Bong, C.P.C., Fan, Y.V., Tan, L.S., Jamian, N.R.; Life cycle assessment and techno-economic assessment of anaerobic co-digestion: A short review; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  510. Zhang Y., Wang B., Liang Y., Yuan M., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J.*; A Method for Simultaneous Retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks and Towers Operations for an Existing Natural Gas Purification Process; e-Prime 2021.
  511. Mikulčić H., Zhang, Z., Baleta, J., Klemeš, J.J.; Sustainable development in period of COVID-19 pandemic; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  512. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Zeng, M.; Salt hydrate-based gas-solid thermochemical energy storage: Current progress, challenges, and perspectives; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  513. Tan, R.R., Aviso, KB., Bandyopadhyay, S., Foo, D.C.Y., Klemeš, J.J.; Circular economy meets the drawdown economy: Enhanced weathering of industrial silid waste as a win-win solution; Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2022. [IF=10.504] [CiteScore=14.7]
  514. Dawood, S., Ahmad, M., Zafar, M., Asif, S., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Mubashir, M., Han, N., Ibrahim, M.N., El-Bahy, Z.M., Khoo, K.S.; Biodiesel synthesis from Prunus bokhariensis non-edible seed oil by using green silver oxide nanocatalyst; Chemosphere 2022. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
  515. Mubashir, M., Ashena, R., Bokhari, A., Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Ali, A., Saidur, R., Khoo, K.S., Ng, H.S., Karimi, F., Karaman, C., Show, P.L.; Effect of process parameters over carbon-based ZIF-62 nano-rooted membrane for environmental pollutants separation; Chemosphere 2022. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
  516. Pushparaj, K., Liu, W., Meyyazhagan, A., Orlacchio, A., Pappusamy, M, Vadivalagan, C., Robert, A.A., Arumugam, V.A., Kamyab, H., Klemeš, J.J., Khademi, T., Mesbah, M., Chelliapan, S., Balasubramanian, B.; Nano- from nature to nurture: A comprehensive review on facets, trends, perspectives and sustainability of nanotechnology in the food sector; Energy 2022. [IF=7.145] [CiteScore=11.5]
  517. Han, F., Sun, M., Jia, X., Klemeš, J.J., Shi, F., Yang, D.; Agent‑based model for simulation of the sustainability revolution in eco‑industrial parks; Environmental Science and Pollution Research . [IF=4.233] [CiteScore=4.01]
  518. Jain, S., Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Bandyopadhyay, S.; Multiobjective Pinch Analysis for Resource Conservation in Constrained SourceSink Problems; ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021. [IF=3.720] [CiteScore=5.6]
  519. Chong, C.T., Fan, Y.V., Lee, C.T., Klemeš, J.J. ; Post-Covid Energy Sustainability and Carbon Emissions Neutrality; Energy 2022. [IF=7.145] [CiteScore=11.5]
  520. Tao Y., Steckel D., Klemeš, J.J., You F.; Trend towards virtual and hybrid conferences may be an effectiveclimate change mitigation strategy; Nature Communications 2021. [IF=14.919] [CiteScore=30.2]
  521. Kirilova, E.G., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N.G., Petrova, T.S., Vladova, R.K., Varbanov, P.S.; A MINLP Model to Optimal Design of а Sustainable Dairy Supply Chain Taking into Account Preferences of the Network Actors; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  522. Karim, S.S, Murtaza, Z., Bokhari, A., Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Sarah, F., Younus, M., Khoo, K.S., Ullah, S., Karimi, F., Ayoub, M., Show, P.L.; Future advances and challenges of nanomaterial-based technologies for electromagnetic interference-based technologies: A review; Environmental Research 2022. [IF=6.498] [CiteScore=7.9]
  523. Jiang, M., Zhang, M., Wang, L., Fei, Y., Wang, S., Núnez-Delgado, A., Bokhari, A., Race, M., Khataee, A., Klemeš, J.J., Xing, L., Han, N.; Photocatalytic degradation of xanthate in flotation plant tailings by TiO2/ graphene nanocomposites; Chemical Engineering Journal 2022. [IF=13.273] [CiteScore=17.2]
  524. Li, M., Han, N., Zhang, X., Wang, S., Jiang, M., Bokhari, A., Zheng, W., Race, M., Shen, Z., Chen, R., Mubashir, M., Khoo, K.S., Teo, S.S., Show, P.L. ; Perovskite oxide for emerging photo(electro)catalysis in energy and environment; Environmental Research 2022. [IF=6.498] [CiteScore=7.9]
  525. Lim, J.S., Li, C., Fan, Y.V., Klemeš, J.J.; How circular economy and green technology can address Sustainable Development Goals?; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  526. Mukhtar, A., Saqib, S., Lin, H., Shah, M.U.H., Ullah, S., Younas, M., Rezakazemi, M., Ibrahim, M., Mahmood, A., Asif, S., Bokhari, A.; Current status and challenges in the heterogeneous catalysis for biodiesel production ; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  527. Wang, X., Dong, X., Wang, X.C., Zhang, P., Liu, R., Klemeš, J.J., Zheng, J.; A life cycle assessment of an enterprise’s low-carbon emissions model: The Xinjiang Shihezi pig farm faecal treatment biogas project as a case study; Journal of Environmental Management 2022. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  528. Wu, Y., Du, J., Liu, G., Ma, D.*,  Jia, F., Klemeš, J.J.*, Jin Wang, J.; A review of self-cleaning technology to reduce dust and ice accumulation in photovoltaic power generation using superhydrophobic coating; Renewable Energy 2022. [IF=8.001] [CiteScore=10.8]
  529. Razak, N., H., Hashim, H., Yunus, N.A., Klemeš, J.J.; Integrated linear programming and analytical hierarchy process method for diesel/biodiesel/butanol in reducing diesel emissions; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  530. Asif, S., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Chofreh, A.G.; Pilot Scale Intensification of Pistacia Khinjuk Oil via Chemical Interesterification using Hydrodynamic Cavitation Technology; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  531. Lee, Z,Y., Liew, P.Y., Woon, K.S., Tan, L.S., Tamunaidu, P., Klemeš, J.J.; Life-Cycle Environmental and Cost Analysis of Palm Biomass-based Bio-Ethanol Production in Malaysia ; CET 2021. [CiteScore=1.5]
  532. Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J., Yu, X., Qiu, R., Zheng, J., Lin, Y., Zhu, B.; Planning a Flexible Refined Products Transportation Network in Response to Emergencies; Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering .
  533. Wang, X., Foley, A., Fan, Y.V., Nižetić, S., Klemeš, J.J. ; Integration and Optimisation for Sustainable Industrial Processing within the Circular Economy; RSER 2022. [IF=14.982] [CiteScore=30.5]
  534. Qiu, R., Liao, Q., Klemeš, J.J., Liang, Y., Guo, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, H.; Roadmap to urban energy internet with wind electricity-natural gas nexus: Economic and environmental analysis; Energy 2022. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  535. Jabeen, F., Adrees, M., Ibrahim, M., Mahmood, A., Khalid, S., Sipra, H.F.K., Bokhari, A., Mubashir, M., Khoo, K.S., Show, P.L.; Trash to Energy: A Measure for the Energy Potential of Combustible content of Domestic solid waste generated from an industrialized city of Pakistan; Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers . [IF=5.876] [CiteScore=9.0]
  536. Khan, M.I., Sutanto, M.H., Khan, K., Iqbal, M., Napiah, M.B., Zoorob, S.E., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Rafiq, W.;  Effective use of recycled waste PET in cementitious grouts for developing sustainable semi-flexible pavement surfacing using artificial neural network (ANN); JCLEPRO 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  537. Zheng, M., Li, Y., Su, Z., Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J. ; Supplier Evaluation and Management Considering Greener Production in manufacturing industry; JCLEPRO 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  538. Li, W., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, Q., Zeng, M.; Efficient thermal management strategy of Li-ion battery pack based on sorption heat storage; Energy Conversion and Management 2022. [IF=9.709] [CiteScore=15.9]
  539. Mikulčić, H., Baleta, J., Klemeš, J.J.; Cleaner technologies for sustainable development; Cleaner Engineering and Technology 2022.
  540. Wang, B., Arsenyeva, O., Zeng, M., Klemeš, J.J., Varbanov, P.S. ;  An Advanced Grid Diagram for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit with Detailed Plate Heat Exchanger Design; Energy 2022. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  541. Chin, H.H., Wang, B.*, Jia, X., Zeng, M., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Integrated Software Suite for Heat Recovery Networks and Equipment Design; Computers & Chemical Engineering 2022. [IF=3.845] [CiteScore=7]
  542. Wang, Y., Guo, L., Wang, B., Klemeš, J.J.; A graphical approach for mixed ratio optimisation in the binary mixed amine solution; Journal of Environmental Management 2022. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  543. L.Zhang, X.X. Jia, Y. Ai, R. Huang, W. Qi, Z. He, J.J. Klemeš, R.X. Su; Greener production of cellulose nanocrystals: An optimized design with eco-environmental assessment; JCLEPRO 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  544. Arsenyeva, O., Klemeš, J.J., Plankovskyy, S., Kapustenko, P. ; The influence of plate corrugation geometry on heat and mass transfer performance of plate heat exchangers for condensation of steam in the presence of air; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2022. [CiteScore=5.7]
  545. Orooji, Y., Han, N., Nezafat, Z., Shafiei, N., Shen, Z., Nasrollahzadeh, M., Karimi-Maleh, H., Luque, R., Bokhari, A., Klemeš, J.J.; Valorisation of nuts biowaste: prospects in sustainable bio(nano)catalysts and environmental applications; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  546. Ding, Y., Klemeš, J.J., Zhao, P., Zeng, M., Wang, Q.; Numerical study on 2-stage phase change heat sink for cooling of photovoltaic panel; Energy 2022. [IF=7.147] [CiteScore=11.5]
  547. Khan, H.H., Malik, M.N., Konečná, Z., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A., Klemeš, J.J.; Blockchain technology for agricultural supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: Benefits and cleaner solutions; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  548. Chin, H.H., Klemeš, J.J., Wan-Alwi, S.R.; Industrial Site Water Exchange Network Synthesis Considering Multiple Qualities and Water Headers; Journal of Environmental Management 2022. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  549. Khan, N.A., Khan, A.H., Ahmed, S., Farooqi, I.H., Alam, S.S., Ali, I., Bokhari, A., Mubashir, M.; Efficient removal of ibuprofen and ofloxacin pharmaceuticals using biofilm reactors for hospital wastewater treatment; Chemosphere 2022. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
  550. Ali, M., Prakash, K., Macana, C., Bashir, A.K., Jolfaei, A., Bokhari, A., Klemeš, J.J., Pota, H.R.; Modeling Residential Electricity Consumption from Public Demographic Data for Sustainable Cities; Energies 2022. [IF=3.004] [CiteScore=4.7]
  551. Salaheldin, H., Fong-Woon, L., Shad, M., Konečná, Z., Chofreh, A.G., Goni, F.A.*, Klemeš, J.J.; Corporate governance code and voluntary disclosure of integrated reporting: Evidence from an emerging economy; Sustainable Development 2022. [IF=6.159] [CiteScore=1.12]
  552. Huang, W., Wang, Q., Li, H., Fan, H., Qian, Y., Klemeš, J.J.; Review of recent progress of emission trading policy in China; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  553. Fan, Y.V., Jiang, P., Klemeš, J.J., Ocłoń, P.; Minimum Environmental Footprint Charging of Electric Vehicles: A Spatiotemporal Scenario Analysis; Energy Conversion and Management 2022. [IF=9.709] [CiteScore=15.9]
  554. Sher, F., Ilyas, M., Ilyas, M., Liaqat, U., Lima, E.C., Sillanpää, M., Klemeš, J.J.; Biorenewable Nanocomposites as Robust Materials for Energy Storage Applications; Biorenewable Nanocomposite Materials (book) 2022.
  555. Zhou, J., Li, L., Wang, Q., Fan, Y.V., Liu, X., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, X., Tong, Y.W., Jiang, P.; Household Waste Management in Singapore and Shanghai: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of Emerging Megacities; Waste management 2022. [IF=7.145] [CiteScore=11.5]
  556. Maheshwari, P., Haider, M.B., Yusuf, M., Klemeš, J.J., Bokhari, A., Beg, M., Othman, A.A., Kumar, R., Jaiswal, A.K.; A Review on Latest Trends in Cleaner Biodiesel Production: Role of Feedstock, Production Methods, and Catalysts; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  557. Wang, C., Zheng, J, Du, J., Wang, G., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, B., Liao, Q., Liang, Y.; Weather condition-based hybrid models for multiple air pollutants forecasting and minimisation; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  558. Zhang, Y.M., Li, Z.W., Aviso, K.B., Jia, X.X., Zhang, P.D., Tan, R.R., Klemeš, J.J., Wang, F., Jia, X.; Industrial Water Network Vulnerability Analysis using Dynamic Inoperability Input-Output Model; Journal of environmental Management 2022. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  559. Jia, X.X., Shahzad, K., Klemeš, J.J., Jia, X.; Changes in water use and wastewater generation influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of China; Journal of Environmental Management 2022. [IF=6.789] [CiteScore=9.8]
  560. Tan, R.R., Aviso, K., Jiang, P., Fan, Y.V., Varbanov, P.S., Klemeš, J.J.; Synthesis of Plastics Recycling Networks; CET 2022. [CiteScore=1.5]
  561. Athar, M., Imdad, S., Zaidi, S., Yusuf, M., Kamyab, H., Klemeš, J.J., Chelliapan, S.; Biodiesel production by single-step acid-catalysed transesterification of Jatropha oil under microwave heating with modelling and optimisation using response surface methodology; Fuel 2022. [IF=6.609] [CiteScore=9.8]
  562. Ma, Y., Zheng, J., Liang, Y., Klemeš, J.J., Du, J., Liao, Q., Lu, H., Wang, B.; Deeppipe: Theory-guided neural network method for predicting burst pressure of corroded pipelines; Process Safety and Environmental Protection  2022. [IF=6.158] [CiteScore=8.9]
  563. Rozina, Chia, S.R., Ahmad, M., Sultana, S., Zafar, M., Asif, S., Bokhari, A., Nomanbhay, S., Mubashir, M., Khoo, K.S., Show, P.L.; Green synthesis of biodiesel from Citrus medica seed oil using green nanoparticles of copper oxide; Fuel 2022. [IF=6.609] [CiteScore=9.8]
  564. Zhang, L., Klemeš, J.J., Zeng, M., Wang, Q.; Dynamic study of the extraction ratio and interstage pressure ratio distribution in typical layouts of SCO2 Brayton cycle under temperature fluctuations; Applied Thermal Engineering 2022. [IF=5.295] [CiteScore=10.1]
  565. Arsenyeva, O., Matsegora, O., Kapustenko, P., Yuzbashyan, A., Klemeš, J.J.; The water fouling development in plate heat exchangers with plates of different corrugations geometry; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2022. [CiteScore=5.7]
  566. Hoang, A.T., Varbanov, P.S.*, Nižetić, S., Pandey, A., Sirohi, R., Luque, R., Ng, K.H., Pham, V.V., Nguyen, X.P.; Perspective review on the municipal solid waste-to-energy route: Characteristics, management strategy, and role in the circular economy; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022. [IF=9.297] [CiteScore=13.1]
  567. Ye, M., Yan, T., Wang, J., He, Y., Klemeš, J.J.; Experimental study on heat transfer performance and flow visualisation in microchannels with micropillars; Thermal Science 2022. [IF=1.625] [CiteScore=2.4]
  568. Khan, R.A., Khan, N.A., Morabet, R.E., Alsubih, M., Qadir, A., Bokhari, A., Mubashir, M., Asif, S., Cheah, W.Y., Manickam, S., Klemeš, J.J., Khoo, K.S.; Geospatial distribution and health risk assessment of groundwater contaminated within the industrial areas: an environmental sustainability perspective; Chemosphere 2022. [IF=7.086] [CiteScore=10.1]
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